
Cho Kuk: New Party of Korea Chairman’s Inauguration Speech and Future Plans

Cho Kuk, chairman of the Talent Recruitment Committee of the New Party of Korea (tentative name), is giving a greeting at the inauguration ceremony of the party’s establishment preparation committee at a bar in Dongjak-gu, Seoul, in the morning of 15. / Yonhap News

Cho Kuk, chairman of the Talent Recruitment Committee of the ‘New Party Cho Kuk’ (tentative name), said at the inauguration ceremony of the party foundation preparation committee on the 15th: “We will become the third party in the National Assembly “, and announced that he would stand in solidarity with the Democratic Party of Korea in the elections.

At an event held at a bar in Dongjak-gu, Seoul, President Cho said: “The largest party with an overwhelming number of seats in the National Assembly is the most important, but realistically it is not an easy task.” President Cho, who said, “We need to broaden the spectrum,” said, “The role of the three parties in the National Assembly is also important.”

President Cho said: “We must remember the 21st National Assembly, where we had to use the stigma of false withdrawal from the party to pass a bill even though we had a huge number of seats,” and added: “In view of the elections , by merging and consolidating, a party with an unclear identity is created”. It has been interpreted as referring to the New Reform Party.

President Cho said: “Which political party will play an adequate role as the third party in the National Assembly?” and added: “Let us become the third party in the National Assembly and let us become a confident third party in the National Assembly that can adequately serve as a deciding vote and does not care what others think.”

President Cho said: “If the people tell us to unite with the Democratic Party in proportional representation elections in addition to constituencies in this general election, we will do our best.” create an accurate 1:1 government adjudication structure in constituencies and compete in proportional representation, I will follow this.” It leaves open the possibility of participation in proportional satellite parties promoted by the Democratic Party or of solidarity in local elections.

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