
Clash and stubborn luck… Harry Kane suffered with Bayern Munich against Berlin!

English star Harry Kane participated in his team, Bayern Munich’s victory over Union Berlin, 1-0, in the postponed match of the 13th round of the German League competitions.

Harry Kane played as a starter throughout the match, but he was unlucky and was unable to score goals, despite trying on more than one occasion.

The post and VAR confront Kane

Kane crossed the post in the Bavarian goal scored by his teammate Rafael Guerrero in the 46th minute. Harry initially shot it, but it hit the post and returned to Guerrero, who put it into the goal.

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The match referee canceled a goal by the English star in the 56th minute of the match due to offside, so luck continued to be stubborn for the English striker.

Kane received a yellow card in stoppage time, after he got into a quarrel with Union Berlin defender Vogt, over a ball shared between the two.

What did Harry Kane do against Union Berlin?

Kane played the entire match, shooting the ball twice, one completely off target and the second hitting the defenders.

Harry Kane sent 3 crosses, 3 of which were correct and one was incorrect, and the percentage of correct passes was 68%.

Harry Kane was not sufficiently dangerous to the opponent’s goal, as he was reluctant inside the penalty area, which forced him to leave the area of ​​operations often.