
Claudia Sheinbaum: “Continuity, with its own seal”, affirms the Morena candidate

Claudia Sheinbaum, former head of government of Mexico City, promised that there will be continuity of the current government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador, but it will have its own stamp, when starting its tours for the survey of the definition of the coordinator of the Defense of the Transformation of Morena.

He clarified that continuity must be given to deepen the guarantee of the rights of the people of Mexico.
“We want to take one more step towards transformation and that is what is being defined in the country. I am not saying ‘change’…, there he put Morena “continuity with change”; I say: “continuity with its own seal, it is time for women”, assured before inhabitants of Tuxtepec, Oaxaca.

In the Papaloapan basin, she recalled that she resigned from her position to be coordinator of the Defense of Transformation and she is the only woman who participates in this internal process, for what I consider to be “extraordinary times”.

“I decided to leave the Government of Mexico City to tour the country and continue defending the causes of our movement, to continue upholding the principles of Morena. Imagine everything that President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has done, has it been done before? No!” Sheinbaum said.

Sheinbaum recalled the actions carried out in Mexico City, such as the creation of the universal scholarship Mi Beca para empezar for children, two cable buses and an elevated trolleybus, among others.



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