
Cobasi saved computer systems on the mezzanine and left animals underground, in accordance with an investigation

The animals of a pet store drowned underground, whereas computer systems have been saved on the mezzanine so the water would not attain them. The data was confirmed by a joint investigation by the Civil Police, Ibama, the Environmental Command of the Navy Brigade and the Basic Experience Institute. Movies present greater than 30 animal our bodies faraway from the store in RS

An investigation revealed that computer systems within the Cobasi pet retailer, in Porto Alegre (RS), have been saved on the mezzanine to stop them from being broken by floods, whereas the animals have been left underground.

The data revealed on the portal UOLconfirmed by a joint investigation by the Civil Police, Ibama, the Navy Brigade Environmental Command and the Institute of Basic Experience (IGP).

The inspection discovered that the mezzanine was unaffected by the flooding. In response to the consultant of the case, it was discovered that computer systems that have been in bins underground have been eliminated and brought upstairs.

“We famous that the computer systems and CPUs that have been within the bins within the basement have been being eliminated and positioned on the mezzanine. They have been cautious to take away the electronics, however the animals stayed beneath”, he mentioned, i UOLto deputize Samieh Saleh.

In response to the consultant, the brokers eliminated 38 animal carcasses from the shop. “It was darkish, we searched an entire retailer with the assistance of flashlights, filled with objects on the ground. There could also be many extra.” The data was added to the case investigation.

The Civil Police are investigating the circumstances that led to the dying of the shop’s animals. If there was a criminal offense, the accused individual may be sentenced to 3 months to a yr in jail.