
Continuing the walking route of the most powerful female ghost, Taiwan Lantern Festival Chen Shouniang’s lanterns attracted attention | Local | Central News Agency CNA

2024/2/22 17:37 (updated at 2/22 18:01)

The 2024 Taiwan Lantern Festival is in Tainan. The high-speed rail lantern area will be officially lit up on the 24th. The competition lantern area will display lanterns with the theme of “Chen Shouniang’s Appearance”, one of the three most mysterious cases in Fucheng in the late Qing Dynasty. It has sparked heated discussions even before the official launch. (Provided by Tainan City Government) Central News Agency reporter Zhang Rongxiang Tainan fax, February 22, 113

(Central News Agency reporter Zhang Rongxiang, Tainan, 22nd) Tainan City will launch the “Strongest Female Ghost Walking Guide” in July of the lunar calendar for two consecutive years in 2022 and 2023. Chen Shouniang’s lantern, one of the three most mysterious cases in Fucheng in the late Qing Dynasty, is also included in the list. The competition lantern area in the main exhibition area of ​​the Taiwan Lantern Festival’s High-Speed ​​Rail has sparked heated discussions even before the show.

The Taiwan Lantern Festival’s high-speed rail lantern area will be lit up on February 24. The competition lantern area will display nearly 260 lantern artistic and creative works. Among them, the “Taiwan Strange Case-Chen Shouniang” lantern is not on display, which has caused heated discussions. The city government will hold the event from February 24 to 3 On Saturdays and Sundays of February 10th and February 28th from 7 to 8 pm, please come and introduce the story of Chen Shouniang and how to plan the walking route of the strongest female ghost.

The city government stated that Tainan’s urban legends and folk anecdotes are cultural heritage and city nutrients. Chen Shouniang is one of Taiwan’s strange cases in the late Qing Dynasty. The legend of Chen Shouniang’s apparition is a legendary story familiar to Tainan people. The competition lantern area “Taiwan Strange Case-Chen Shouniang” lanterns and story explanations, allowing people to experience the diverse culture of the ancient capital of Tainan.

The “Legend of Chen Shouniang’s Apparition” is one of the three most mysterious cases in Fucheng in the late Qing Dynasty. According to legend, the story of Chen Shouniang happened during the Daoguang period of the Qing Dynasty. Chen Shouniang was born near Gu Fu Ma Temple. She was influenced by the temple culture and had a strong personality. When she became an adult, she married Lin Shou. Lin Shou died early, and Chen Shouniang kept her integrity. After being humiliated, she turned into a ghost and even fought with gods. She is known as the strongest female ghost in Taiwan. (Editor: Huang Shiya) 1130222

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