
Controversy Surrounds Planned Route Change of Seoul-Yangpyeong Expressway

Controversy Surrounds Plan to Change Route of Seoul-Yangpyeong Expressway

The proposed change in the route of the Seoul-Yangpyeong Expressway, which comes with a hefty price tag of 1.7 trillion won, is sparking increasing controversy. This is due to the fact that the land owned by Mrs. Kim Kun-hee’s family in Yangpyeong, Gyeonggi-do, is situated next to the planned highway route. While the government has stated that this information is not confirmed, the Democratic Party has taken the initiative to establish a separate fact-finding team. Our reporter, Jeong Jae-woo, has more on the story.

Yangseo-myeon, located in Yangpyeong-gun, Gyeonggi-do, is the proposed location for the construction of a new highway connecting Seoul and Yangpyeong. Since the initial planning stage in 2017, through the preliminary feasibility study in 2021, the termination point for the highway has remained unchanged. However, according to data released by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport in May of this year, the highway route now includes Gangsang-myeon, Yangpyeong-gun as the endpoint, labeled as ‘plan 1’. The land owned by Mrs. Kim Kun-hee’s family is situated right next to this route, covering an area of 22,000 square meters, equivalent to three football pitches. This means that if the highway route is altered, it would provide direct access to the country owned by Mrs. Kim Kun-hee’s family via the neighboring Namyangpyeong Interchange.

Naturally, the proximity to valuable real estate has resulted in an increase in land prices in the vicinity. Local real estate agents have observed a notable spike in market activity, with properties appreciating in value. The Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs has stated that the proposed change was made based on the opinions of Yangpyeong-gun, but it has not been confirmed yet. Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, Won Hee-ryong, emphasized that no final decision has been made and urged the public to remain vigilant.

However, the Democratic Party raised suspicions of preferential treatment in mid-July last year, claiming that the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport initially proposed the change in the destination to Yangpyeong-gun. Choi Jae-kwan, the chairman of the Democratic Party’s district branch in Yeosu City and Yangpyeong-gun, stated that neither the county council members nor the residents of Yangpyeong-gun were aware of this proposal. Even the responsible government officials seemed to be unaware of the content when it was publicly disclosed on May 8, 2023.

In response to these concerns, the Democratic Party has classified this skepticism as a ‘road gate’ and has announced the establishment of a truth-finding task force. Tomorrow, the team will conduct a thorough field investigation. This is KBS News, reporting on the ongoing controversy surrounding the planned route change of the Seoul-Yangpyeong Expressway.


Controversy is growing over the plan to change the route of the Seoul-Yangpyeong Expressway, which costs 1.7 trillion won.

This is because the Yangpyeong, Gyeonggi-do, land owned by Mrs. Kim Kun-hee’s family is next to the changing highway route.

The government said it was not confirmed, but the Democratic Party decided to set up a separate fact-finding team.

Reporter Jeong Jae-woo assists.


This is Yangseo-myeon, Yangpyeong-gun, Gyeonggi-do, where a highway was planned to be built between Seoul and Yangpyeong.

From the first planned construction in 2017 to the preliminary feasibility study in 2021, the highway terminus has never changed.

However, if you look at the data released by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport in May this year, the highway route with Gangsang-myeon, Yangpyeong-gun as the end point is listed as ‘plan 1’.

Next to this road is the land owned by the family of Mrs. Kim Kun-hee.

12 parcels, 22,000 square metres, the size of three football pitches.

If the highway route is actually changed, you will be able to travel to Mrs. Kim Kun-hee’s family country through the Namyangpyeong Interchange next door.

[이정수/전 양평군청 정책비서관 : “종점지에서 내리자마자 바로 오른쪽으로 (차로) 1분만 가면 남양평IC (나들목)가 있기 때문에 여기 강상면 주민들은 강남권하고 20분대 생활권이…”]

Adjacent real estate is obviously also a good factor for land prices.

[인근 부동산 공인중개사/음성변조 : “주민들은 다 반기고, 부동산 값이 이제 나름대로 좀 움직였죠.”]

The Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs said the change was made by reflecting the opinion of Yangpyeong-gun, and was not confirmed.

[원희룡/국토교통부 장관/지난달 29일 : “전면 재검토를 시켰기 때문에 현재 전혀 결정된 바가 없다, 지켜봐 주시기 바랍니다.”]

However, the Democratic Party raised doubts of preferential treatment in mid-July last year, saying that the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport had first proposed to change the destination to Yangpyeong-gun.

[최재관/더불어민주당 여주시·양평군 지역위원장 : “군 의원들도 이런 사실을 들은 바가 없고, 양평군 주민들도 모르고, 심지어 담당 공무원조차도 2023년 5월 8일 이것이 공개됐을 때, 그 내용 자체를 잘 모르고 있는…”]

The Democratic Party defined this doubt as a ‘road gate’ and announced that it would implement a truth-finding TF.

Tomorrow (6th), we will also go to the field investigation.

This is KBS News Jung Jae-woo.

Cinematographer: Choi Jin-young, Kim Han-bin / Video editing: Lee Hyeong-joo / Graphics: Kim Jeong-hyeon

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