
Costco in the United States Now Selling Funeral Coffins and More Unique Items

Enlarge photo Coffins available at Costco in the United States [사진출처=피플지]

It has been revealed that Costco, a large warehouse discount distribution store that operates 604 stores in the US, also sells ‘funeral coffins’.

On the 27th, an article was published in People magazine in the United States about the unique ‘Mi-friendly’ product sold by Costco.

According to People magazine, funeral caskets, earrings worth over 70 million have been won, and life-size plush teddy bears that cannot be purchased at competing retail stores are being sold at Costco.

Larger image Full size plush teddy bear sold at Costco in the USA [사진출처=피플지]

A funeral coffin, Royal Silver Casket from Prime, can be purchased for $1,150 (1.58 million won). Buyers must go through a process to check availability.

To buy 12.21 carat blue sapphire and diamond 18K white gold earrings, you have to pay $55,000 (75.84 million won).

A full size 93 inch (236 cm) plush teddy bear can be purchased for $300 (410,000 won).

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