
Cryptocurrency Expert Predicts Christmas Rebound in Digital Asset Market

Christmas Rebound Predicted for Digital Asset Market

By Park Jae-hyung, New York Correspondent

In a recent report by Daily Affairs, a renowned cryptocurrency venture investment expert has forecasted a significant market rebound in the digital asset sector around the Christmas season. Despite facing a challenging start in September, Chris Bernisky, the founder of Placeholder Capital, expressed his optimism for a potential Santa Claus rally in the cryptocurrency market.

A Santa Claus rally traditionally refers to an upward trend during the final five trading days of December, extending into the first two days of the new year. Bernisky believes that this festive surge could occur, although he acknowledged that the opportunity for a surprise rally has passed. He emphasized that the outcome of the upcoming presidential election would have a substantial impact on the cryptocurrency market, foreseeing a difficult September, a Santa Claus rally, and the first interest rate cut in the first half of 2024 before the election.

Despite acknowledging the inherent volatility and uncontrollable variables within the cryptocurrency market, Bernisky remains positive about the ongoing development and adoption of blockchain technology, stating, “The construction and dissemination of blockchain are moving in the right direction.”

Furthermore, Bernisky highlighted the importance of focusing on the bigger, core drivers rather than getting swayed by minor market fluctuations. He anticipated that once the market shows signs of strength, individual investors will reenter and allocate more capital.

Source: Block Media Telegram

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[뉴욕=박재형 특파원] Daily affairs reported on the 12th (local time) that a famous cryptocurrency venture investment expert predicted that the digital asset market would rebound around Christmas after a difficult start in September.

Chris Bernisky, founder of Placeholder Capital, told his Twitter (

He is currently predicting a Santa Claus cryptocurrency rally, which traditionally refers to an upward trend during the last five trading days of December and the first two trading days of the new year.

Bernisky predicted that the opportunity for a surprise rally in the market is gone, and that the outcome of the presidential election will have a big impact on the cryptocurrency market, predicting a difficult September, a Santa Claus rally, and the first interest rate cut in the first half of 2024 before the election.

He evaluated positively, saying, “The cryptocurrency market is volatile and has many uncontrollable variables, but the construction and dissemination of blockchain is moving in the right direction.”

Bernisky also added, “There are always small stories in the market, but we must not lose sight of the bigger, more core drivers. When the market starts to show strength again, individual investors will invest more.”

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