
Daegu Mayor Hong Joon-pyo Continues Criticism of Former People Power Party Chairman Han Dong-hoon: What You Need to Know

(From left) Daegu Mayor Hong Jun-pyo and Han Dong-hoon, former chairman of the Emergency Response Committee of the People’s Power Party [사진 = 연합뉴스]

Daegu Mayor Hong Joon-pyo tries to criticize former People Power Party Emergency Response Committee chairman Han Dong-hoon every day.

On the 20th, Mayor Hong Joon-pyo said on the platform he created ‘The Dream of Youth’: “Because of Han Dong-hoon’s mistake, he suffered an all-time landslide defeat and turned the general election in a prelude to the presidential election,” adding, “He was a political proxy who made us taste hell and also betrayed President Yoon Seok-yeol “You must not come near our party again,” he wrote.

This was a response to a post made by a netizen with the nickname ‘Dong-hoon Lee’ who said: “It seems that there is no law to prevent Han Dong-hoon, who receives overwhelming support from 45% of party members, to become the next party leader.” In this post, the netizen said: “Most people think that the cause of the defeat in the general election was not just Han Dong-hoon’s fault,” and added, “Please don’t hate Han Dong-hoon too hard, who tried his best in his own way despite being a novice in politics.

He continued: “Former President Han Dong-hoon is the hope of the Republic of Korea and will be of great help in recreating the regime of the People Power Party,” and added: “I firmly believe that if we give Han Dong-hoon a ‘other possibility, the People Power Party will achieve a landslide victory in the local elections and the next presidential elections.’

In response to this article, Mayor Hong said: “The conservative right wing has been ruined because of the foolish and senseless act of blindly following it after being treated so harshly.” from the beginning, and I saw its appearance as an isolated incident. He said, “There will never be a miracle like President Yoon Seok-yeol again.”

He continued: “The approval rating at this time has no meaning. “During the August 2022 presidential election, I had 4% and candidate Yoon 40%, but two and a half months later I had 48% and candidate Yoon 37%,” he said, adding: “The political scene Korean style changes in an instant depending on the campaign.” He concluded his comment by saying, “Today I will organize all my thoughts about Han Dong-hoon with this answer.”

Since the People Power Party was defeated in the April 10 general election, Mayor Hong has continued to criticize former President Han Dong-hoon through his Facebook page, calling him “a political idol who was caught taking selfies.” and other things.

On the 18th, he posted on Facebook: “Former President Han Dong-hoon was President Yoon’s shadow, supported by some extreme supporters of President Yoon pretending to be the crown prince of Yoon Seok-yeol’s regime, and he was not an independent variable.” And he pointed out: “It’s just that there is no independent force inside or outside the party.”

The next day, the 19th, he wrote: “A person who wants to win without giving up what is his, is a person with Nolbu’s mentality” and “I do not engage in a cowardly policy that only improves one’s image and turns close an eye on reality.” This article was interpreted as a reference to Han Dong-hoon, former chairman of the People Power Emergency Response Committee, as well as the internal party conflict following the People Power Party’s crushing defeat in the elections. general elections.

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