
Daughter of New Zealand PM during FB Live; Interesting video

Most of them have to work from home due to Kovid and lockdown. Most of the survivors of that time looked at the workplace and the household at the same time. Many videos of interesting moments that happened while people were working, attending meetings at home, taking online classes and reporting have gone viral on social media. But the video, which is now going viral, is by New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinta Arden.

Jacinta was describing the situation in the country and the changes in Kovid controls through Facebook Live. Meanwhile, the Prime Minister’s three – year – old daughter came in. You can also hear her daughter calling her mummy live. Jacinta told her daughter that it was time to go to bed and that Mommy would be back in a minute. He later started live with an apology.

The New Zealand Prime Minister then went live, saying that his mother was with his daughter and that the mother would put her daughter to sleep. Later, while trying to stay alive, the daughter comes looking for her mother again. This heart touching video has already been shared by many. Most people comment that this is how most mothers at home work.

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Jacinta Arden is a popular leader who has been in the news with the ruling party before. Jacinta gave birth to her first child in June 2018. Jacinta is the leader who gave birth to the baby when Benazir Bhutto was in power. Jacinta Arden is also a world-renowned leader who has steered the country in the right direction during the terrible crisis.

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