
Debunking Common Myths: The Truth About Hair Loss

Hair Loss and its Myths: Expert Insight

By Jin-ah Park, Reporter | Cho Jae-hwi, Reporter

Hair loss remains a persistent problem for people of all ages, with an estimated domestic hair loss population of 10 million. However, despite this pervasive issue, a scientifically-backed treatment for hair loss has yet to be discovered. With each strand of hair being valuable, it is crucial to equip ourselves with accurate information about hair loss. Let us delve into the truth behind common beliefs and misconceptions surrounding hair loss.

Myth: Wearing Hats Causes Hair Loss

Contrary to popular belief, wearing hats does not directly cause hair loss. In fact, donning a hat on days with intense UV radiation can help prevent hair loss. UV rays deplete moisture from the hair, affecting keratin and ultimately making it weak and less elastic. To shield your hair and scalp from the sun’s harmful rays, it is advisable to wear a hat or use a parasol during outdoor activities. However, be mindful to wear hats loosely to avoid leaving marks on your hair.

Fact: Washing Hair at Night Can Help Prevent Hair Loss

Washing your hair at night has proven to be beneficial in combating hair loss. This practice effectively removes dirt and excess sebum accumulated throughout the day. It is vital to shampoo for no longer than 5 minutes and rinse off any residue thoroughly with clean water. Properly drying your hair is equally important; ensure it is completely dry before going to bed to prevent any moisture-related issues.

Myth: Frequent Hair Washing Causes Hair Loss

Contrary to popular belief, washing your hair frequently does not lead to hair loss. In fact, regular hair washing promotes a healthy scalp by cleansing and unclogging pores, thereby facilitating proper breathing. Experts recommend washing your hair often, particularly when using hair loss shampoo. When washing, gently massage the scalp using your fingertips in circular motions. Avoid scratching the scalp with your nails, as this can cause irritation, scarring, and inflammation. Thoroughly rinse to remove all traces of shampoo, and use cool air to dry your hair to prevent scalp and hair dryness.

Fact: Gentle Brushing Can Combat Hair Loss

Prior to washing your hair, gently combing it with a blunt comb can help prevent hair loss. By stimulating blood circulation, combing acts as a scalp massage, promoting overall scalp health. Opt for a rounded comb with wide tooth gaps to avoid scalp damage and static electricity. Natural material, such as wood, is recommended for comb production due to its direct contact with the skin.

Myth: Cold Water Prevents Hair Loss

Contrary to popular belief, washing your hair with cold water does not prevent hair loss. In fact, the secretion of oil and foreign substances hardens when exposed to cold water and may not be effectively rinsed off. To properly cleanse the scalp and hair, thoroughly rinse with warm water. Excessive use of hot water can make hair brittle as it damages the cuticle layer due to protein degradation. Cold water can be used for the final rinse to restore hair’s normal balance and enhance elasticity.

It is essential to remember that hair loss prevention is crucial, as reversing it becomes increasingly challenging once it occurs. Regular health care, a balanced lifestyle, adequate rest, and stress reduction are key components in preventing hair loss. Embrace accurate information and take appropriate measures to maintain a healthy head of hair.


Sunshine News = Park Reporter Jin-ah, Reporter Cho Jae-hwiㅣ Hair loss, a problem of mankind that has not been solved so far, regardless of age or time. Many people are so worried about hair loss that it is said that the domestic hair loss population is also in the period of 10 million. However, until now, it is known that there is no basic treatment that can scientifically treat hair loss. As much as one strand of hair is important, it is important to get the right information about your hair now. Let’s find out the truth or lies about hair loss.

First of all, there is a saying that wearing a hat often causes hair loss, but it is wrong. Hats do not directly affect hair loss, rather wearing a hat on days with strong UV rays helps prevent hair loss.

This is because when hair is exposed to UV rays for a long time, moisture in the hair decreases and affects keratin, which is part of hair, making hair weak and losing elasticity. Therefore, if you are doing outdoor activities on a sunny day, it is good to wear a hat or use a parasol to protect your hair and scalp. However, it is recommended to wear it loosely rather than tight enough to leave marks on your hair.

There is a saying that washing your hair at night can prevent hair loss, but this is true. The reason why it is good to wash your hair at night is because it has the effect of removing dirt and sebum that has accumulated on your scalp and hair throughout the day at night.

It is important to shampoo within 5 minutes, and wash off any remaining residue thoroughly with clean water after drying the shampoo. Drying your hair properly is just as important as washing it. If you wash your hair at night, you must dry it well before going to bed.

It is not true that if you wash your hair often, you will lose more hair. The way to healthy hair is to wash your hair often to clean the scalp and open clogged pores to facilitate breathing. Experts advise that it is better to wash your hair often than not to wash your hair often when using a hair loss shampoo.

At this time, wrap it with the fingerprint part of your finger as if massaging it. If you scratch your nails with your nails upright, you need to be careful as the tips of your nails touch the scalp and cause irritation, which can lead to scarring and exposure to inflammation. It is essential to rinse thoroughly so that no shampoo residue remains. After washing your hair, make sure to dry it with cool air. It is best to use cool wind because hot wind can dry out the scalp and hair.

It is true that brushing your hair gently with a blunt comb before washing your hair can prevent hair loss. Combing stimulates the blood circulation of the scalp and has a massaging effect that makes the scalp healthy. So, if you comb properly, you can take care not only of hair but also of scalp health.

Combing your scalp with a pointed comb can damage your scalp. Therefore, it is better to have a round head, and if the gap is narrow, static electricity is generated, so it is better to have a wide gap. Also, as it is used to stimulate the skin directly, it is good to make it from natural materials such as wood.

Just as washing your face with cold water shrinks your pores, many people think that washing your hair with cold water will stop hair loss, but this is not true. Oil and foreign substances secreted from the scalp harden when they come into contact with cold water and are not washed off properly, so when rinsing the scalp and hair, rinse thoroughly with warm water.

Hot water makes the hair brittle, because hair contains protein, so the cuticle layer is easily destroyed when exposed to hot temperatures. Finally, when rinsing, it is good to use cold water, but warm water gives tension to the swollen hair and scalp, helping to restore the hair’s normal balance and give it elasticity.

Hair loss is no longer just a middle-aged concern. Prevention is important as hair loss is difficult to reverse once it has occurred. Don’t forget that regular health care is essential, and regular living, adequate rest, and stress reduction are also ways to prevent hair loss.


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