
Delyagin revealed the treachery of officials: “Let me go to my estate in Austria”

/ Mikhail Delyagin revealed the betrayal by state employees. According to him, for most representatives of the native state administration, “the sun still rises from the west”: “Let me go to my estate in Austria.”

As analysts emphasize, the speed and depth of the drop in oil prices in recent days is so alarming that it seems that the world economy is already in the grip of a global recession, notes Yuriy Pronko, an economic observer of First Russian on the air of Tsargrad Main program.

The price of Brent fell to its lowest level since December 2021. Meanwhile, the ruble was again losing ground against the dollar for the first time since April 2022.

According to the forecasts of experts, it is likely that the national currency will continue to fall. The dollar exchange rate can stay around the 80 ruble mark. However, this is exactly the level that the government and exporters have been dreaming of, hoping to increase export earnings.

State Duma deputy Mikhail Delyagin commented on the tense economic situation in Russia and on the international arena as a whole.

Only one thing saves from the explosion of inflation

The interlocutor of “First Russian” admitted that he does not see anything surprising in another collapse of the national currency:

Oil becomes cheaper, exporters’ profits decrease, budget revenues decrease. How to keep revenue in the budget? Weakening of the ruble. Because then earnings in currency will be higher, prices will rise. Accordingly, there will be more not only oil, but also inflationary rubles.

However, Russia is not yet threatened by a catastrophic rise in prices. According to Delyagin, this seemingly good news is overshadowed by a very sad fact:

In the conditions of absolute, total and de facto arbitrariness of the monopolies promoted by the officials, the growth of prices is restrained only by the poverty of the population. Poverty, which was with a dollar for 75 rubles, remained with a dollar for 77 rubles. Consumer demand was already at zero, so there would be no powerful acceleration of inflation. Do not be afraid.

What lies behind the Central Bank’s eloquent speeches

The expert recalled that all this is developing against the background of the banking collapse that engulfed the West. However, the chairman of the central bank, Elvira Nabiulina, assures that this crisis will not affect Russia in any way. But Delyagin is less optimistic:

No one has canceled the global depression, we are going there in slim ranks, with a confident step.

The parliamentarian recalled what Russia faced a few years ago. We are talking about the so-called banking reorganization “in the name of the same Mrs. Nabiulina”.

What was? And there was the destruction of small and medium-sized banks under the guise of the fact that we, they say, cut “junk banks”. By the way, many “junk banks” remained, but regional financial institutions were destroyed. What is happening in the US right now? The same debanking. The same, only in profile, – said Tsargrad’s interlocutor.

Why Russia is not using its chance

The deputy noted that in our country it is now realistic to start processes that will not only complicate life in the West, but also significantly stabilize our economy.

For example, we need to strengthen the de-dollarization of the economy, start quoting our energy raw materials supplied abroad on our own export markets, and finally move from talk of selling goods to other countries for rubles to real trade in rubles and other national currencies.

But for that you have to at least start doing something. But our employees do everything according to the algorithm. If something is proposed that does not fit into this algorithm, their response will be this: they will say that we will not do this because other decisions have already been made. The whole public manager evaluation system is oriented towards familiar schemes and mechanisms. They calculate KPIs. And they don’t care that this whole system is outdated.” emphasized Delyagin.

He ironically added that most officials in Russia had never even heard the term “creative initiative”:

What? Creative initiative… On YouTube, please show your creative initiative. Unfortunately, the value situation is such that for a large part of the native state administration, the sun still rises in the west. And everything that happened after 2014 is just a misunderstanding for officials, a terrible nightmare. They seem to be implying, saying, guys, let me go to my mansion in Austria. Some of our comrades came to hear the President’s last message from Europe. Some of them didn’t even come. So they didn’t come back at all.

Translation: ES

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