
Dengue Fever Cases on the Rise: Department of Disease Control Urges Public to Take Action

The Department of Disease Control reveals that the dengue fever situation is starting to become worrying these days! A continuous increase in patients has been noted since the beginning of the year. 1.9 times more than last year in the same period. Repeat! People protect themselves from mosquito bites by applying mosquito repellent. as well as eliminating breeding grounds for Aedes mosquitoes

February 7th Doctor Thongchai Keeratihatthayakorn Director General of the Department of Disease Control Last January, 8,197 cases of dengue fever were found, 1.9 times more than in 2023 (4,286 cases) and will likely continue to increase. The greatest number of cases was found in the 5-14 age group, with the majority of cases found in the Southern and Central regions, while there were 13 confirmed deaths, distributed across 11 provinces, with the majority of deaths among those over 65 years old. age.

The Department of Disease Control would like to stress that people should apply mosquito repellent to protect themselves from mosquito bites. Especially patients suffering from dengue fever To prevent the spread of dengue fever from patients to the community. Because patients suffering from dengue fever, if bitten by an Aedes mosquito, can transmit dengue fever. (After the incubation period in mosquitoes) can be administered to others. Applying mosquito repellent to dengue fever patients will help break the cycle. and reduce the spread of dengue fever Furthermore, we must ask for the cooperation of the public to help the investigation. and destroy the breeding places of Aedes mosquitoes according to measures 3, collect, prevent 3 diseases continuously to reduce the number of Aedes mosquitoes in the next generation.

side Dr. Jurai Wongsawat, spokesperson for the Department of Disease Control. Added that If people have symptoms of suspected dengue fever, such as high fever In addition to headache, eye socket pain, facial redness, nausea, vomiting, rashes or bloody spots may occur on the torso, arms, legs, etc. . You should not buy medicines to take yourself. A safe antipyretic is paracetamol. according to the prescribed dose You should avoid antipyretic drugs from the NSAID group such as ibuprofen, diclofenac, aspirin, as well as combined drugs, which can cause serious complications. such as gastrointestinal bleeding and is difficult to treat However, if you take a medicine to reduce fever or dry out and the fever does not decrease within 1-2 days (from the day the fever began), you should consult a doctor immediately. If dengue fever is treated quickly, severe symptoms and death can be prevented. For more information, call the Department of Disease Control hotline, call 1422.

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