
Deputy Minister of Health and Welfare Promises Full Response to Medical Community Collective Action

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Sorry, please use a different browser. The Deputy Minister of Health and Welfare closes: “We will mobilize all means to respond to collective action in the medical community.”

Park Min-soo, Second Vice Minister of Health and Welfare, said: “The government will mobilize all means to respond to the collective action in the medical community.”

Deputy Minister Park gave a related briefing and said this after the Incident Control Central Headquarters meeting for collective action in the medical community this afternoon (8).

Deputy Minister Park said: “Medical groups argue that this decision to increase troop numbers is unscientific and is a political decision, but the failure of previous governments to increase troop numbers is due to political considerations.” The increase was determined through research by the country’s top experts, including the Korea Development Institute, a national research institute: “It was a scientific decision based on an outcome,” he denied.

Reporter Kim Dong-wook (

#Ministry of Health and Welfare #Medical community #Collective action #Response

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