
Deputy Prime Minister Congratulates Ms. Pae Thongthan on Becoming New Leader of Pheu Party

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior, Anutin Charnvirakul, Commends New Leader of Thai Party

Sanam Luang, October 29 – Anutin Charnvirakul, the leader of the Thai Party Bhumjai (PT) and Deputy Prime Minister, expressed his congratulations on the selection of Ms. Paethongthan Shinawatra as the new leader of Thai Party Pheu (PT). As the PT party is a coalition government party, Anutin is confident that Ms. Pae Thongthan will effectively drive the party’s various policies, which have been announced for success. Alongside responsible departments, the Party is prepared to provide support to government missions, ensuring its ultimate success.

Efficient Governmental Functioning and Smooth Collaboration Expected between PAD Party and Government

When asked about the implications of Ms. Pae Thongthan being elected as the leader of the PAD Party, Anutin stated that the government is already functioning smoothly under the leadership of Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Mr. Settha Thavisin. With effective progress in the second month of the current administration, the cabinet demonstrates unity and a collective purpose, working diligently for the betterment of the country. Anutin emphasized that the cabinet is not solely comprised of a single party, but rather a collaborative effort.

Moving Towards Restoring Party Faith: The Future of PAD Party under New Leadership

In response to inquiries regarding the restoration of faith in the PAD Party under Ms. Pae Thongthan’s leadership, Anutin replied, “Those questions should be posed to the Thai Party Bhumjai. Let us wait until I step down and allow the new party leader to answer.” He commended the unity of the PAD Party members in choosing Ms. Pae Thongthan, acknowledging her elegance and potential. Recognizing her inner drive to benefit the nation and representing a new generation, Anutin encouraged support for the new leader in realizing positive change for the country.

The Potential Future Prime Minister?

When it was suggested that Ms. Pae Thongthan could be a potential future Prime Minister, Anutin humorously asked, “Aren’t you also a candidate for Prime Minister of the PAD Party?”

Further inquired about the possibilities, Anutin mentioned that it may depend on the political climate and the individual choices of each party. As the current coalition government with the PAD Party at the helm, all policies and guidelines will be discussed collectively. The ultimate decision will be based on what best serves the interests of the country and its people.

On October 29 in Sanam Luang, Mr. Anutin Charnvirakul, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior As the leader of the Thai Party Bhumjai (PT), gives an interview about the case of Ms. Paethongthan Shinawatra being chosen as the new leader of the Thai Party Pheu (PT), that as the party PT is a coalition government party . I must congratulate Ms. Thongthan Bay. Chosen unanimously to take the position of leader of the party, PAD is confident that Ms. Pae Thongthan can drive various policies. which has been announced to be successful. As for the Party, the Party is ready to cooperate. In addition to the responsible departments, they are ready to provide support to government missions. The purpose was achieved and it was successful.

When she was asked about the fact that the PAD Party has Ms. Pae Thongthan as the party leader. Will it make work in government more smooth? Mr. said Anutin that the government is already working smoothly. Under the leadership of Mr Settha Thavisin, the Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, this month has entered the second month and everything is moving quickly. effective There is unity among the Cabinet. We work for the country. one purpose The Cabinet (Cabinet) is not a single party.

When asked Ms. If Thongthan becomes the leader of the PAD Party, he will restore the party’s faith. Is it possible for the PAD to be the same as during the Thaksin Shinawatra era? “What are you going to ask Bhumjai’s Thai Party? Let’s wait for me to resign first and then ask the new leader of the party,” he continued. All PAD Party members were united in choosing Ms. Pae Thongthan. She was elegant in every sense. And Ms. Pae Thongthan She is has shown her potential and her determination, and Ms. Pae Thongthan calls herself “Auntie Tuk”. He also sees that Miss Pae Thongthan has an inner person. to have determination Intent with things that will benefit the country and it is a new generation We should support the new generation to do good things for the country at every opportunity.

When asked, many people think that Ms. Pae Thongthan may be the next Prime Minister, Mr. Anutin said, “Aren’t you also a candidate for Prime Minister of the PAD Party?”

When asked further, It may happen soon, said Mr Anutin, depending on the political climate. In the matter of moving forward politically We cannot interfere because it is a matter for each party. Today we are a coalition government with the PAD Party as leader What are the policies and guidelines? It must be discussed together in the coalition government. If it is beneficial for the country and the people, then the Party is at the end of the lane.

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