
Details of the death of the artist Mahmoud El Shazly, famous for his name Zaatar in Layali Al Helmeya

Adel Abdullah, art critic at Youm7, revealed that the artist Mahmoud El-Shazly died today at the age of 84, after suffering from a health problem that struck him during the recent period, and he was being treated in his hometown of Kafr El-Sheikh.

Adel Abdullah, Youm7 art critic, said during a phone call to Youm7 TV that Dr. Ashraf Zaki announced that the funeral will be in Kafr El-Sheikh Governorate.

Art critic Adel Abdullah explained that the artist Mahmoud Al-Shazly, whose full name is Mahmoud Metwally Metwally Al-Shazly, was born in Kafr El-Sheikh Governorate and worked in the Ministry of Health. He was known in the artistic community through his participation in the Kafr El-Sheikh theatrical troupe, and his receipt of many regional awards, especially the play (Halavit).

He began his life on Egyptian television in the early 1970s. He was famous for playing the characters of the country’s children and the working class. He was at his best in the role of Shalbaya in the series Gates of the City, followed by the role of Zaatar in the series Layali Al-Helmeya.

His latest work was the series Ibn Lail. The events of the series take place in Upper Egypt, where Hamed (Magdy Kamel) of unknown parentage is born. He loves goodness for the people of his village and helps them. He is surprised by their denial of his actions and turns into Ibn al-Layl. It is directed by Ismail Abdel Hafez.