
Diablo IV: The Rarest Ancient Unique Equipment Revealed and How to Obtain Them

The Rarest Equipment Treasures Revealed in Diablo IV

The highly anticipated game, Diablo IV, has a treasure trove of equipment for players to uncover. At the highest level sits the ancient unique equipment, also known as dark gold equipment. These rare and powerful items are coveted by players looking to enhance their characters. Recently, the social accountant of the Blizzard development team released some insider information on these elusive items, including how to obtain them.

The Uncommon Gems

According to Adam Jackson, the professional designer director of Diablo IV, there are currently six pieces of dark gold equipment in the game. These items stand out amidst the vast selection of gear. The exclusive collector’s set comprises “Doom,” “Selig’s Melting Heart,” “Ring of the Starless Sky,” “Grandfather,” and “Andariel’s Appearance.”

Jackson explained that these coveted pieces can only be obtained from enemies with a level higher than 85. Additionally, they must drop as equipment with an item strength of 820 or higher. It is worth noting that these six items are the only ones classified as rare dark gold tools.

When asked about the rarity of these items, Jackson emphasized that they are “really very rare.” It was a momentous occasion when the first crown of harmonic horns appeared in the game on June 10. Eight days later, another player in the Taiwan discussion forum, Bahamut, unveiled the second known crown of harmonic horns. This sequence of events is a testament to the infrequency of these powerful artifacts.

Seeking the Prized Possessions

For elite players aiming to uncover dark gold equipment, the prevailing strategy is to traverse nightmare dungeons with nightmare emblems above level 31. This method guarantees a higher level of difficulty and ensures that all encountered monsters are above level 85. Adventurous treasure hunters may consider investing their efforts in this pursuit.

The highest level of all equipment treasures in “Diablo IV” is ancient unique equipment (dark gold equipment), and in many dark gold equipment there are extremely rare items with lower drop rates. The social accountant of the Blizzard development team revealed these personally 6 pieces of equipment and how to get them.

According to Adam Jackson, the professional designer director of “Diablo 4″, shared on Twitter, there are currently 6 pieces of dark gold equipment, which are the rarest ancient unique equipment in the game. Doom”, “Selig’s Melting Heart”, “Ring of the Starless Sky”, “Grandfather” and “Andariel’s Appearance”.

Jackson added that the above 6 pieces of dark gold equipment will all drop from monsters above level 85, and they must be equipment with an item strength of 820 or higher. Currently, only these 6 pieces have u listed as rare dark gold tools.

Jackson finally emphasized that they are “really very rare”, because the first crown of harmonic horns appeared in the world on June 10. After 8 days, another player in the Taiwan discussion forum Bahamut The second known crown of harmonic horns , it can be seen that it is really rare.

In order to spawn dark gold outfits, the current common practice for advanced players is to farm nightmare dungeons with nightmare emblems above level 31 to ensure that all monsters are above level 85. Interested treasure hunters can work hard.

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