
Discover the Power of Positive Emotions through Sports: Meet the OTTO Editorial Department!

OTTO Editorial Team!

Bringing sports news to life

Welcome to the editorial section of OTTO! This department has been an integral part of OTTO! since its inception, comprising 8 dedicated members hailing from various generations, all united by their passion for sports. Our sole focus is to convey the range of positive emotions associated with sports: the thrill, the astonishment, the fascination, the joy, and even the occasional sense of melancholy. By sharing these experiences with you, our esteemed readers, we aim to bring the world of sports to life.

OTTO Editorial Department!


This is the editorial section of OTTO! which started with the beginning of OTTO!. There are a total of 8 members from different generations who only think about sports and love sports deeply. “Fun”, “Amazing”, “Interesting”, “Happy”, “Sad” I would like to share with you all the positive emotions associated with sports.

#Japan #national #team #official #released #shots #joy #Yudai #Baba #Kanna #Mori #Fans #valuable #couple #Japan #great #photos #amazing #officer #givesCwpan #Pêlfasged #Byd #Local #sports #support #media #related #West #Sports #WEB #OTTO