
Doctor Reveals Shocking Brain Image: The Impact of Smoking on Brain Health

The Office of Health Promotion Support or Thai Health Promotion Foundation page posted it until I saw it with my own eyes!! Doctor reveals brain image There is a clear difference between men who smoke a pack of cigarettes a day and older women.

Warning to those who smoke, smoke a lot, can’t stop smoking! It affects the brain. Dr. Prachacha performs brain surgery. Open the patient’s brain image A clear comparison between those who smoke a lot every day and those who don’t smoke at all.

The results show that a 66-year-old man smokes heavily every day, his brain begins to atrophy and brain tissue decreases with water alone, causing poor memory and forgetfulness, unlike a 90-year-old grandmother who has more brain tissue.

Because cigarettes have no advantages: smoking a lot carries many risks, deterioration of sexuality, cerebrovascular disease, coronary heart disease. myocardial ischemia Cancer can occur in any organ. especially lung cancer

Quitting smoking is not difficult: call 1600, the toll-free number to stop smoking. Join us in creating a smoke-free society, reduce and quit smoking for the good health of you and those around you.

#Thai #Health #Promotion #Foundation #warns #smokers #risk #mental #confusion #myocardial #ischemia