
Document-breaking Heatwave in Mexico Results in Deaths of Dehydrated Monkeys

Supply time2024-05-22 17:18

(Seoul = Yonhap Information) In Mexico, which is affected by a record-breaking warmth wave, monkey carcasses that seem to have died of exhaustion have been found one after one other.

Cobius, a Mexican biodiversity conservation group, introduced on the twenty first (native time) that 83 Yucatan black howler monkeys confirmed indicators of dehydration and died within the southern state of Tabasco up to now two weeks for the reason that fifth.

Cobius identified the opportunity of warmth stroke within the useless monkeys on a social networking service and stated, “We rescue and look after monkeys that present signs comparable to dehydration and excessive fever.”

“The monkeys fell like apples from a tall tree,” animal ecologist Hilberto Fosso instructed the Related Press. “They seem to have been severely dehydrated and died inside minutes.”

This animal, also called the ‘Guatemalan black howler monkey’, is a kind of howler monkey and, because the title suggests, has the attribute of roaring and howling.

In Tabasco, the place timber are plentiful, howler monkeys are stated to be useful to the inhabitants.

Mexico is at the moment experiencing a file breaking warmth wave, with daytime highs starting from 40 to 45 levels in lots of locations. Check out the video.

Produced by: Kim Geon-tae, Han Seong-eun

Video: Reuters·AFP·X Cobius·@Rich_Asc·@REPORTINQUIETO·@volcaholic1·@adanmexic·@keep_science·@tots_tate

Report by way of KakaoTalk okjebo

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2024/05/22 17:18 Despatched

#영상 #sizzling #is.. #Mexican #monkeys #falling #timber #dying