
Drop your metabolism… 3 mistakes that ruin your diet

Eating too little is a problem

Eating too little can slow down your metabolism and make it difficult to control your weight. [사진=클립아트코리아]

As you age, your metabolic efficiency decreases. This leads to weight gain and increases the risk of developing various diseases. According to the study, women gain an average of 0.7 kg each year in adulthood, reaching a final weight of 16 kg by the time they reach their 50s. In addition, as hormones change rapidly and muscles burn out, it becomes more difficult to burn fat.

As we age, our metabolism slows down and it is natural for us to gain weight. However, you can also improve your metabolism and prevent weight gain through healthy diet strategies. In this regard, according to the American health and medical media ‘Prevention’, you can lose weight successfully if you avoid some mistakes that slow down your metabolism when dieting.

A diet deficient in iron and protein

Protein intake is important to protect the muscles that are consumed when dieting. After eating, you can add protein by eating two tablespoons of nuts and 200g of low-fat yoghurt.

Iron is also an essential nutrient when dieting. Iron carries oxygen to your muscles and helps them burn fat. In particular, women need to supplement iron through scallops, beans, lean meat, spinach, etc. because iron consumption is high due to menstruation every month until menopause.

Eating too little

To lose weight, you need to reduce the amount you eat. However, if you restrict calories too much, your metabolism will slow down and your diet will be hindered. For women, eating less than 1200 calories a day hinders metabolic function.

Our body causes muscle loss by removing energy from the muscles to compensate for the lack of energy. For a healthy diet, try to eat no more than 400 calories per meal.

◇ Avoid caffeine unconditionally

Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system of our body and increases metabolism by 5-8%. This improvement in metabolic function could enable you to eat between 98 and 174 more calories per day.

According to a Japanese study, drinking a cup of brewed tea every day increases metabolic function by 12%. Catechin, an antioxidant found in tea, helps with this role.