
Early Signs of Dementia: Recognizing the Warning Signals

Common mistakes in everyday life, such as getting lost, forgetting words, or losing objects, can be indicators of dementia. Furthermore, the findings showed that difficulty managing money can be an early symptom of dementia.

Alzheimer’s usually progresses slowly over 8 to 10 years. It is important to treat not only cognitive decline but also mental and behavioral symptoms such as delusions, depression, anxiety, nervousness and sleep disturbances.

According to the British newspaper The Sun, Ireland’s Maynooth National University and University College Dublin conducted a joint study and found that having difficulty managing money is an early sign of dementia. Furthermore, the researchers also built an artificial intelligence model to diagnose dementia based on existing research data on Alzheimer’s.

Research shows that although people can carry out basic tasks such as paying bills in the early stages of dementia, there is a greater risk of problems with more complex money management, such as adjusting or calculating bank account balances.

The researchers said it is difficult to recognize dementia for several years before it is diagnosed, and that it is important to spot dementia early through signs such as difficulty managing money.

Furthermore, the first symptoms that can detect dementia are the following:

1. Getting lost

Researchers at University College London (UCL) in the UK explained that getting lost often can be the first symptom of dementia. It has been said that dementia patients may show signs of being lost or having difficulty finding their way even before experiencing other symptoms.

2. Forgetting the words

Researchers at the University of Toronto, Canada, said dementia can affect language skills. Researchers have found that people may take longer to find the right word during a conversation, and an inability to find the right word could be an early sign of dementia.

The researchers pointed out that speaking speed is a more important indicator of dementia symptoms than finding words. The slowdown in speaking speed compared to the past is said to be linked to weakening brain function.

3. Behavioral imbalance

Dementia can also affect movement. Accidents such as slips, trips and falls may become more common in people with dementia. According to a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, a slower gait may be an early sign of cognitive decline and dementia.

4. Forgetfulness

According to the British Alzheimer’s Association, people with Alzheimer’s or dementia tend to lose items or misplace items that should be in designated places. If dementia symptoms become more severe, you may not even be able to remember where you put things.

※This is an online article from Weekly Chosun.

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