
Early Summer Heat Today, Heavy Rain Nationwide on Children’s Day – Weather Forecast Expert’s Advice

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[날씨] Vacation time… Early summer heat today, heavy rain nationwide on Children’s Day


Today, the first day of vacation, will be hot in the early summer heat.

However, tomorrow, which is Children’s Day, it will rain across the country.

For detailed weather information, we will connect with a weather forecast expert.

Caster Jeon Se-young, please come out.


Yes, I am currently in Gwanghwamun Square.

With the start of the three-day holiday, more citizens than usual can be seen on the streets on weekends.

Most people wear light clothing with short sleeves.

However, as heavy rain is expected across the country tomorrow, you need to prepare well to avoid damage.

First, let’s look at today’s highest temperature during the day.

Most areas will experience early summer heat with temperatures above 25 degrees.

It will be hot, rising to 28 degrees in Seoul, 26 degrees in Gwangju and 29 degrees in Gangneung.

Since the UV index is very high during the day, you should pay special attention to UV protection.

Tomorrow the heat will ease with rain falling across the country.

Starting tonight with Jeju Island, it will expand nationwide starting tomorrow morning.

There’s a lot of rain this time.

There will be heavy rain, up to 200 mm or more, on Jeju Island.

Up to 80 mm of rain is also expected in Seoul and other areas.

Due to this rain, the temperature will drop tomorrow.

Tomorrow the maximum temperature will be below 20 degrees in most areas, including just 19 degrees in Seoul.

It is necessary to take care of your health due to unpredictable temperature changes.

Many people may have outdoor activities planned during the holidays.

There is a possibility that flights may be canceled due to wind and rain.

Please refer to the weather information carefully and prepare well to avoid damage caused by rain.

So far we have reported the weather from Gwanghwamun Square.

(Jeon Se-young, meteorologist)

#Holidays #Weather #Rain #Children’s Day #Gwanghwamun

Questions and reports on Yonhap News TV articles: KakaoTalk/Line jebo23


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