
Economy of Mexico: Basic basket rises 1.76% in the last month

The National Alliance of Small Merchants (ANPEC) reports an upward variation of 1.76 percent in the prices of the products of the basic basket registered from June 15 to July 15, 2023.

The products with the greatest price variation were Quaker oats, which went from $39.29 to $57.50; soluble coffee, from $107.68 to $144.50; laundry soap, from $38.93 to $51; whole chicken, from $23.36 to $87.50, and cooking oil, from $15.86 to $40. The average price of the basic food basket was $1,723.28, with an upward variation of 1.76%. The entities with the most expensive basic basket turned out to be the State of Mexico, with an increase of 13.41%; Nuevo Leon, 10%; Hidalgo, 6.91%; San Luis Potosí, 5.98%, and Sinaloa, 4.37%.

This report on food inflation that prevails in the national economy goes against the flow of what was reported by INEGI regarding annualized general inflation, which has been trending downward for four consecutive months, only in this last month it was located at 5.6%. It is paradoxical that some states of the Republicsuch as the State of Mexico and Nuevo León, are below the national inflationary average with 4.1% and 4.6%, respectively, despite the fact that food inflation in both identities turned out to be 13.41% in Edomex and 10% in New Lion.

“In this “close up” of the national photograph, the reality of “the two faces of inflation” that hit the country is perfectly appreciated. The general one that, due to the production practices of neoshoring, the increase in remittances and the non-recession in the United States, among others, has been strengthening the national macroeconomy. Meanwhile, food inflation continues to rise, thus reflecting the Achilles heel of our economysince the popular consumption of food continues to be expensive, becoming the main obstacle to consolidating a deep economic recovery and reactivation in Mexico, since it is above 8.3% ”, explained Cuauhtémoc Rivera, president of ANPEC.

He added that the consequences of this situation are: a society that does not feed their families well, in which 6 out of 10 struggle to supply themselves with essential food, where both quantity and quality of food are sacrificed for the sake of buying only whatever it reaches, thus offering an intake of low nutritional value and having more and more windows of hunger and desolation.

All these brushstrokes describe the landscape of national consumption and the clouds that hang over it due to a rise in food prices and a purchasing power that is not enough. People want to, but can’t, he said. “In short, as long as we do not make food prices affordable for the population, the fragility of our economic reality will continue to be more than latent”, he concluded.



Basic Basket Inflation ANPEC

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