
Ecuador in Chaos: The Rise of Gang Violence and Narcotics Trade

“They’re just … oh my God.”

“This suspicious city is now under lockdown.”

Ecuador, South America, is in extreme chaos.

Jamie Bella / Commando Commando Ecuador
“We will not go back or negotiate.”

John Kirby / NSC Strategic Communications Coordinator, White House
“The United States is closely monitoring the situation in Ecuador.”

Daniel Novoa / President of Ecuador
“We are fighting for peace in our country.”

Q. What is happening in Ecuador?

Ecuador, once peaceful, has become a lawless area.

At the same time gang violence continues, and the state’s ability to control is losing its function.

The recent events were sparked by Adolfo Macias, the head of Los Choneros, Ecuador’s largest organized drug crime group.

Macias, jailed on drug trafficking charges, escaped from prison on the 7th local time, and riots broke out in six prisons before and after this, with a prison guard being taken hostage and a police station attacked.

The president declared a state of emergency, saying he would wage a ‘war on gangs.’

Daniel Novoa / President of Ecuador (local time on the 8th)
“We will not negotiate with terrorists.”

As if mocking them, armed armed men attacked the studio where the live broadcast was taking place the next day.

A week later, the prosecutor investigating the case was shot dead in broad daylight.

The people were full of fear and anxiety in a reality that was more like a movie than a movie.

Juan Carlos
“We see robberies, murders and deaths all too easily. We have no choice but to support the state of emergency.”

Q. The tragedy of Ecuador, why did it become a lawless country?

At one time Ecuador was called the most peaceful ‘equatorial country’ in South America.

With its outstanding natural scenery, good infrastructure, and good public safety, it has been highlighted as a ‘retiree’s’ paradise.’

The situation has changed rapidly since Ecuador recently became the hub of global cocaine distribution.

Ecuador is geographically located between Colombia and Peru.

These countries are the first and second largest producers of cocaine worldwide.

However, as the Colombian drug cartel collapsed and ports were tightly controlled, Ecuador emerged as a new export route.

The Economist said, “Ecuador has become part of a ‘narco’ network, or new drugs. “

Ecuadorian gangs became stronger than the regular army by receiving weapons in exchange for drug trafficking.

It is said that the ‘legendary drug lord’ Pablo Escobar often used this phrase to threaten high-ranking officials.

Netflix ‘Narcos’
“I make a living from trading. You have to choose between the two. Will you accept gold (bribe) or lead (bullet)?”

Q. What is the situation in the nearby Central American countries?

Ecuador is not the only one involved in the ‘narco network’.

Costa Rica, once considered the ‘happiest country in the world’, also became a member of this network.

There are gang shootings in the city center, and the rate of deaths due to violence has increased from 12 per 100,000 the year before last to 16 per 100,000 last year.

Mario Zamora / Minister of Security of Costa Rica
“Costa Rica will not negotiate with gangs.”

El Salvador declared a ‘war on drug gangs’ and created a ‘mega prison’ equivalent to half the area of ​​Yeouido Korea, and Honduras plans to build a ‘prison island’ far from the mainland to house 2,000 gang leaders.

The war against gangsters who dream of becoming the ‘second drug lord’ has now begun.

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