
Editorial Is there no discourse or statement in North Korea’s rude mockery of Kim Yeo-jung?

In a public statement yesterday, North Korean leader Kim Yeo-jung pointed to Seoul as the target of the attack, protesting against the campaign for independent sanctions by South Korea and the United States. He ridiculed President Yoon Seok-yeol as an ‘idiot’. He also said, “I don’t know why they only watch the regime that creates an uncertain situation.” In accordance with the claims of ‘Yun Seok-yeol’s resignation’ from some parts of the South, they were motivated to fight against the regime. The statement, “At least Seoul was not our target when Moon Jae-in was sitting and eating hammocks,” is an outright nuclear threat against South Korea and encourages South-South conflict.

Kim Yeo-jung’s claim can only be forced and contradicts itself. The ROK-US joint exercises and sanctions are a response to North Korea’s endless missile threats. North Korea is also the one who made the 2018 inter-Korean military agreement, which includes a “complete cessation of hostilities,” out of bits of toilet paper by launching ballistic missiles and artillery fire before the ink was dry . Still, passing the blame for the rising tension to the South as a thief is beaten. North Korea’s harsh language has also become the norm. During Moon Jae-in’s administration, they poured embarrassing absurd comments towards the president and our officials, such as boiled cow’s heads, arrogant faces, scared dogs, American parrots, crazy people, garbage and ignorance. The more absurd thing is that the Moon Jae-in administration did not protest properly. There is no end to this kind of scandal in North Korea once it has gone the wrong way.

You can’t skip it now. A strong warning is needed to break the chain of bad words and deeds. As there is a high possibility of additional provocations under the pretext of sanctions, it must be fully prepared. He is particularly concerned that Seoul has been targeted for a nuclear strike. The response from our government is disappointing. The Unification Ministry was limited to expressing strong remorse, saying, “I feel very sorry,” through a “standpoint” rather than a statement or declaration. Judgment is that there is no need to be discouraged by the intention to provoke a South-South conflict, but it will only increase the deception of North Korea.