
El Rancagüino Domingo, a digital magazine almost 4 years old.

The pandemic times that seem distant today were only 3 years ago, and although among so many things that have happened since 2020 to date they seem to make us forget what we experienced, the truth is that they were complicated years, to say the least, but this column is not for talk about the negative effects that the virus caused and that despite the time that has passed it continues to cause in our country and in the world, we have enough of that every day; But let’s talk about how this crisis and crises in general become an opportunity to innovate, even for us.

Thus, looking for new ways to communicate, to deliver information perhaps not so enslaved to harsh contingency, this proposal was born. El Rancagüino Domingo in a completely digital format, more than a newspaper, a magazine, with data and of course rather positive information, with a looser design. This idea was born in the midst of the pandemic as a way not only to deliver a novel journalistic product, but also to consolidate this day of traditional reading – such as Sunday – in a scenario where the kiosks were closed, but today before the acceptance of our readers continues to reach their homes in a completely digital format, but emulating the traditional paper but with some technological additions. For example, by clicking on each title, the note is directed to our website.

This is the first experience in this format that we began to carry out in May 2020, receiving very good reviews, and it will surely change little by little as we find – with the help of you, our readers – better ways to deliver our content, thus the daily newspaper, is for the moment completely free of charge available to all those who are interested in the events of our beloved region of O’Higgins in this digital paper format, either through WhatsApp, email or viewed on our website. Thus today we can affirm, thanks to the rapid distribution that digital media allows, that daily more than 300 thousand people read both the daily newspaper and this digital magazine on their phones or computers. To which we add the thousands of people who watch our weekly summary, but in television format.

At the same time we want to reaffirm ourselves as a showcase so that hundreds of entrepreneurs in our area can show how they have reinvented themselves to together survive these uncertain times.

The thing is that even though the pandemic has long since ended, for various reasons that it would take a long time to try to understand in the context of this column, the vast majority will be able to agree that today we continue to live in times of uncertainty, where more than ever it is good innovate, while reiterating our commitment to true, verified and confirmed information. When fake news abounds on social networks, we maintain our status as a professional journalistic organization. Many times, we may not even be the first to report news, but we prefer to take that risk rather than deliver false information that can cause a lot of damage, especially in times as sensitive as those we live in today.

The article El Rancagüino Sunday, a digital magazine almost 4 years old. It was first published in El Rancagüino.