
Elon Musk Opposes Additional US Support to Ukraine, Fearing Assassination of Putin

Enlarge photo Elon Musk Tesla CEO [AFP 연합]

Elon Musk (pictured), CEO of Tesla, claimed there was no way Russian President Vladimir Putin would be defeated because he would be assassinated if he backed out of the war in Ukraine. For this reason, he opposed additional US support to Ukraine.

According to American media such as Bloomberg News on the 13th (local time), during a discussion on the Ukraine war held on “If you step back, you will be murdered,” he said. He then declared, “There is no way Putin can be defeated.” For this reason, he said he opposes the additional US aid budget bill for Ukraine.

He also expressed his opinion that he doubts whether it would be wise to go after President Putin’s ouster. “Those who want regime change in Russia should think about who could get rid of Putin and whether that person could be a pacifist,” Musk said. “Probably not,” he said.

Musk also refuted the accusation, saying he is sometimes accused of being a ‘Putin protector’ and calling it “absurd.” He said his company had “done a lot to weaken Russia,” including providing SpaceX’s Starlink internet service to Ukraine after the Russian attack and Space Points, etc. were cited as examples.

Previously, President Putin received attention for his positive evaluation of Musk. In an interview with former US Fox News anchor Tucker Carlson, released on the 9th (Korea time), he praised Musk, saying, “I think Musk is a smart person.”

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