
Epic Games Reveals Details of iPhone Version of Epic Games Store Launch in EU

Game developer Epic Games announced plans to launch the iPhone version of the Epic Games Store in the EU in February, and has finally revealed details, including the store’s launch time and program or sharing fees of the game. A program or game can earn 100% profit within the first 6 months of first launch. Epic will not charge any fees. After that, Epic will charge 12% of the profit as a fee, the same as current Windows and Mac platforms.

Programs or games sold through the Epic Games Store, in addition to paying Epic’s 12% fee, will also have to pay Apple’s CTF core technology fee of 0.50 euros after the number of installations exceeds 1 million in the first year. Additionally, Epic Games also announced that in-app purchases of programs or games will not require any fees or additional costs if they use their own method to process payments. The Epic Games Store is expected to be available on iPhone in the EU before the end of 2024, but not in the US and other countries.

Apple recently updated its business terms in the European Union: programs or games distributed through the App Store must pay CTF and a fee of between 10% and 17%, which is lower than the previous fee of between 15% and 30%. Programs with annual revenue under $1 million pay only a 10% commission, while those with more than $1 million pay a 17% commission. However, Apple will still charge an additional 3% fee for using the in-app consumption system, so the fee for programs that use the App Store to manage in-app consumption will be between 13% and 20%.

Information and image source: macrumors

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