
Euclid Space Telescope Captures Stunning Images of Nebulae and Galaxies

Euclid Space Telescope captures first images of nebulae and galaxies

Foreign news agencies reported from Paris on November 8th that the European Space Agency (ESA) has released the first set of photos taken by the Euclid Space Telescope. The images reveal nebulae and cosmic dust formations, including the iconic horsehead nebula. The telescope has also captured over 1,000 galaxies that form part of the Perseus Galaxy Cluster, located approximately 240 million light years away from Earth. These images are expected to provide valuable insights into the study of dark matter and dark energy, the mysterious components that make up 95% of the universe.

Unveiling the mysteries of the universe

The ESA’s report highlights the fact that our current understanding of the universe only accounts for 5% of its actual composition. The remaining 95% is shrouded in mystery, known to exist in the form of dark matter and dark energy. The discovery that galaxies are moving at faster speeds than previously believed has prompted astronomers to delve deeper into the nature of these elusive elements.

Mission details and future plans

In the next phase of its mission, the ESA plans to utilize the Euclid Space Telescope to create 3D maps of the universe and enhance its study of galaxy formation and distribution in what is known as the “cosmic fiber.” The telescope, boasting a resolution of 600 megapixels and measuring 1.2 meters in diameter and 24.5 meters in length, was launched into space aboard a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket on July 1, 2023. The mission is slated to continue for a duration of 6 years, during which astronomers hope to unlock the secrets of the universe.

Photo credit: AFP

Foreign news agencies report from Paris. France on November 8 that the European Space Agency (ESA) released the first set of photos. From the Euclid Space Telescope there are images of nebulae or cosmic dust. which group together like a horse More than 1,000 galaxies are part of the Perseus Galaxy Cluster. that is about 240 million light years away from Earth and many images that astronomers believe will be able to provide information about “dark matter and dark energy” are important components of the universe.

Image of a horsehead nebula by the Euclid space telescope

The ESA report states that The universe humans have known and studied throughout time. It’s actually only 5%, which means the rest is still a mystery. Although humans are aware of the existence of the remaining 95% of the universe, dark matter and dark energy are known to exist. It is a matter that all parties must analyze in detail further. To begin with, what appeared is that galaxies are moving faster than previously analyzed.

After this, ESA plans to use the Euclidean telescope to produce 3D maps. Adding details to the study of the universe along with additional photography To solve the mystery of galaxy formation and distribution. In the area called “cosmic fiber”

The Euclid Space Telescope, which has a resolution of 600 megapixels and is 1.2 meters in diameter and 24.5 meters long, leaves Earth on July 1, 2023, aboard a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket. The mission is scheduled to last for 6 years.

Photo credit: AFP

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