
Expansion of new industries and activation of new machines ——Observations from the front line of industrial green development – Xinhua

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 4thTopic: Expansion of new industries and implementation of new machinery ——Observations from the front line of industrial green development

Xinhua News Agency Correspondent Zhang Xinxin

Photovoltaic power generation on the roof can meet up to 50% of the factory’s electricity use during the day; green fibers realize a circular economy and reduce dependence on petrochemical resources… Recently, the 2023 Industrial Green Development Conference was held in Guangzhou, and many green manufacturing applications were exhibited, which were impressively intensive.

While the manufacturing industry is transforming to high energy-saving, intelligent and green equipment, low carbon products, and digital technology continue to expand into new scenarios and new industries, gradually becoming new industrial development engines.

Stimulating upgrade demand with green products

The robot automatically recognizes the car model and assembles the glass, and can roll a car away in 53 seconds… Walking into GAC Aian’s workshop, the intelligent production of new energy vehicles is at its peak. Zheng Chunqi, deputy general manager of GAC Aian, told reporters that GAC Aian sold more than 40,000 new cars in May, a year-on-year increase of 114%. “We continue to increase the smart and green upgrade of our production methods, and we have now achieved full digitization from consumer ordering to supply, production and delivery of parts.”

On February 24, in the assembly line of GAC Aian New Energy Automobile Co, Ltd, a robot arm was installing car tires. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Deng Hua

New energy vehicles are the general trend of the car industry and represent a green and low carbon lifestyle. Currently, new energy vehicles have become the “landscape” of urban roads. According to Shenzhou Car Rental data, Shenzhou Car Rental has launched new energy vehicles in batches many times, and put them in Shanghai, Shenzhen, Guangzhou and other cities. Currently, thousands of new energy vehicles are coming online one after the other. This year’s “May 1st” holiday, the average daily pickup volume of new energy vehicles at Shenzhou Car Rental has more than tripled over the same period last year.

Not just new energy vehicles. Xin Guobin, vice-minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said that my country continues to promote the improvement of the supply capacity of green products, and the development of low-carbon industries is in the ascendant. According to data released at the 2023 Industrial Green Development Conference, nearly 30,000 green products have been promoted in total, and the output of major links in the photovoltaic industry chain accounts for more than 70% of the world.

Since the beginning of this year, the industrial operation has been generally stable, but it is also facing pressure from both the demand side and the supply side. In order to ensure the steady recovery of the industrial economy, efforts must be made to expand the market and tap growth points. Green and low carbon products meet the needs of upgrading and the direction of the transformation.

“New green demand needs to be stimulated with high quality green supply.” Liu Wenqiang, Secretary of the Party Committee of the China Electronics and Information Industry Development Research Institute, said that the improvement of the green supply system in the industrial field from basic raw materials to final consumer goods needs to be accelerated, in order to make the supply of products and equipment green Advantages in grow

Promoting Quality Improvement and Efficiency with Green Production

China Construction Third Bureau’s “Aerial Building Machine” was recently unveiled in Nanjing. Jiao Zhengchao, project technical director of China Construction Third Bureau, told reporters that the “air construction machine” provides a completely enclosed working space. Compared to traditional construction, the efficiency increases by around 20%, and the building’s energy consumption is also reduced.

On March 15, Qianshan Iron Mine staff of Ansteel Group Mining Company were managing the operation of underground equipment in the operation room. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Pan Yulong

At the exhibition site held at the same time as the conference, China Mobile demonstrated 5G remote mining simulation scenarios. The “unmanned” and “intelligent” mining equipment improves the operating environment, effectively improving production efficiency and protecting the environment; in the China Energy Conservation booth, the staff presented The practice of using smart poles to replace traditional street lamps to help smart cities and reduce the energy consumption of lighting systems; at the Tsingtao Brewery booth, the plan to reduce the use of water in the brewing process by optimizing production and technological improvement attracted attention… From factory workshops to city management, A green and smart model is being promoted.

Green production is about reducing costs, reducing emissions, and increasing efficiency. According to data from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, by the end of 2022, more than 2,100 high-level digital workshops and smart factories will be built, which will promote the production efficiency of smart manufacturing demonstration factories by 34.8% and reduce carbon emissions by 21.2 %.

Xin Guobin said that the transformation of low carbon energy consumption, clean production process and digital transformation of the manufacturing process need to be accelerated. “Promote next-generation information technologies such as 5G, big data, and artificial intelligence to improve energy, resource and environmental management levels, empower green manufacturing, and foster new drivers of green industrial development.”

Deeply exploit energy saving potential to promote carbon reduction transformation in key areas

Activating new machines in a green transition. At the meeting, Liu Qiong, deputy director of the Department of Environmental Resources of the National Development and Reform Commission, said that benchmarks and energy efficiency tables will be conducted to take advantage of energy-saving potential, promote the transformation of energy-saving and carbon reduction in key fields and industries , and improve fiscal, taxation and financial systems that support green development. Policy and Standards System.

Accelerating the transformation of high-end industrial structure. Xin Guobin said that the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will promote the withdrawal of production capacity back in accordance with laws and regulations, curb the blind development of “two high” projects, cultivate and strengthen emerging industries. r obviously strategic, and making the most of the regional industrial industry. setting.

Apply the concept of green development throughout the entire process of industrial production. Zhou Ji, an academician from the Chinese Academy of Engineering, said at the meeting that it is necessary to fully implement the green design of industrial products throughout the life cycle, and promote industrial enterprises, especially those in metallurgy, petrochemical, building materials, and textile industries, to implement technological transformation, digital transformation, and green upgrading, and promote industrial development Holistic and systematic realization of energy saving and clean production.

Promote the green development of industry with the support of green energy. The participating experts believe that there is a need to further establish and improve a new type of clean energy industry chain, and promote the innovative development and industrialization of green energy technologies such as photovoltaics, wind energy and energy storage.

“The manufacturing industry should provide high-quality products, equipment and systems for green development, and provide a solid guarantee and support for the green transformation of the economy and society as a whole. This is a large-scale industry with bright prospects, and it is also a new growth point.” Zhou Ji said.

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[Golygydd cyfrifol: Liu Yang]