
Experience Comfort and Style with the OP50 Thick Chiffon Vertical Mouse from G-Clicker

These days I only run a blog, but I have been working with my right hand for a long time while editing books, so I was not satisfied with the mouse, so I came across the OP50 Thick Chiffon Vertical Mouse from G-Clicker. What I wanted most was a mouse that was comfortable for my right hand, and the OP50 Thick Chiffon Vertical Mouse exceeded my expectations. The OP50 Thick Chiffon Vertical Mouse, born from the unique idea of ​​a vertical mouse, offers an eye-catching advantage with its sophisticated appearance.

Unexpectedly, my desk became brighter, as if my old laptop had a new look, and I felt refreshed.

This lightweight and comfortable 105g mouse fits comfortably in your hand and features 4-level DPI and a high-sensitivity sensor, so the cursor movement is very smooth and there is no noise.

The vertical design means the mouse stands up slightly, so when you hold it in your hand, your wrist naturally comes into contact with the desk, making it very comfortable.

Besides, the 7 buttons, including left and right buttons, wheel button, DPI adjustment button, front and back switch button and Boss button, are arranged very efficiently, so it has many functions, but its Scientific design stands out.

At first I felt uncomfortable because it had more features than the mouse I used before, but as I got used to it, I realized that the previous mouse was too simple and comfortable!

I turned the mouse.

Here too, technology is hidden in every corner.

A built-in 450mAh battery allows for continuous use for 24 hours and features are provided for seamless wireless connection using a 2.4GHz Bluetooth 5.1 receiver that connects up to 10 meters.

The only reason I changed my mouse is because my arm hurts…

But unexpectedly I met a mouse that was cute, smart, comfortable and good at working.

“OP50 Thick Chiffon Vertical Mouse”

Highly recommended!

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