
Exploring the Spectacular May Night Sky: A Guide to Astronomical Events and Celestial Wonders

The May night sky is full of exciting events, from dazzling shooting stars and the best visibility of Mercury, to the Moon hiding bright stars and planets, and the Flower Moon. Discover all the most surprising astronomical phenomena on the Moon! Use the free Sky Tonight astronomy app to enhance your stargazing experience and navigate easily.


Starry sky in May 2024

Event dates are provided in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) and may vary depending on your location. With the Sky Tonight app you can get precise information about your location.

  • May 1st: Falling moon.
  • May 3: The Moon passes at a distance of 0°48′ from Saturn (magnitude 1.2)。 🌟
  • May 4th: Meteor shower peak ηAquarii (ZHR = 50) 🌟 The moon passes at a distance of 0°15′ from Neptune (magnitude 7.9).
  • May 5th: Occultation of Mars (magnitude 1.2) by the Moon.
  • May 6: The Moon passes at a distance of 3°24′ from Mercury (magnitude 0.6).
  • May 7: The Moon passed by Venus (magnitude -3.9) at a distance of 3°14′.
  • May 8th: New Moon; the Moon passes at a distance of 4°08′ from Jupiter (magnitude -2.0) and 3°26′ from Uranus (magnitude 5.8).
  • May 9th: Mercury (magnitude -0.6) has maximum western (morning) elongation. 🌟
  • May 10th: Peak of the meteor shower η Lyra (ZHR = 3).
  • May 12th: The Moon passed by Pollux (magnitude 1.2) at a distance of 1°36′.
  • May 14th: Mercury passes by the dwarf planet Eris (magnitude 18.7) at a distance of 8°07′.
  • May 15th: Crescent moon; the Moon passes at a distance of 3°30′ from Regulus (magnitude 1.2).
  • May 17th: The asteroid Pallas (magnitude 7.0) is in opposition.
  • May, 20th: The moon passed by Spica (magnitude 1.0) at a distance of 1°24′.
  • May 23: Full moon (flower moon). 🌟
  • May 24th: Occultation of Antares (magnitude 1.1) by the Moon. 🌟
  • 30 May: Falling moon.
  • May 31st: Occultation of Saturn (magnitude 1.2) by the Moon 🌟; Mercury (magnitude -0.7) passes at a distance of 1°21′ from Uranus (magnitude 5.8).

*Featured events are the most important events of the month.

Speaking of votes: With moderate urban light pollution, the faintest magnitude of a star or planet visible to the naked eye is about 4. The critical rating of an optical instrument depends on its specifications, but usually does not exceed 11.

Wondering if you can spot that galaxy or nebula from your backyard? 🌌 Our infographic has the answer! Here we use the Bortle scale to explain how light pollution affects what you see. Get to know the night sky and enhance your stargazing experience!

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Planet of May 2024

Northern hemisphere

Located in the northeastern sky in the constellation Pisces during the morning hours from the first half of the month.Mercury(Grade 0.2) can be seen.

At the end of the month, if you look towards the eastern horizon in the morning, you will find yourself in the constellation Pisces.Mars(magnitude 1.1), located in the constellation AquariusSaturn(Grade 1.2) is also found.

NeptuneTo see (magnitude 7.9) closer, use binoculars or a telescope and check in the morning near the eastern horizon in the constellation Pisces.

VenusJupiterUranusit cannot be seen because it is too close to the sun.

Southern hemisphere

In the morning in the northeastern skyMercury(Grade 0.2) can be seen. First in Pisces, then in Aries. Early in the morning, in the constellation of Aries, near the eastern horizonVenus(Rating -3.9) you can also see it.

Mars(magnitude 1.1) is visible high in the northeast direction in the constellation Pisces.Saturn(magnitude 1.2) can be observed in the constellation Aquarius in the morning.

At the end of the month, use binoculars or a telescope to see near the northeastern horizon in the constellation Taurus.UranusObserve (rated 5.7).Neptune(magnitude 7.9) is in the same direction in Pisces.

Jupiterit cannot be seen because it is too close to the sun.

Mercury has maximum elongation in the west (morning)

Don’t miss your chance to see this elusive planet in May! On May 9th Mercury reaches its maximum morning elongation. This is the time when it has its greatest apparent distance in the sky from the Sun. This is the best time to observe Mercury, especially for observers in the Southern Hemisphere.

Mercury, the inner planet, is hidden from sunlight most of the time and is therefore difficult to observe. The best time to see Mercury is at its maximum elongation, farthest from the Sun.

Due to the angle of the ecliptic, Mercury is best visible from southern latitudes at this time of year. There it rises high above the horizon. actual,Mercury’s best morning appearance in the Southern Hemisphere this yearBecomes. But the planet will also be visible from the northern hemisphere!

Learn more: Mercury, the planet closest to the sun.

Full Moon in May 2024

On Thursday, May 23, 2024, at 10:53 pm Japan time (1:53 pm GMT), the Moon will enter the full moon phase. At this time, the moon is located in the constellation Scorpius, near the bright star Antares.

The moon may be below the horizon at this very moment, but that doesn’t mean you’ll miss the full moon of May 2024. For about three days, including before and after the peak, the moon appears in a completely round shape.

May’s full moon was affectionately called the “Flower Moon” by our Northern Hemisphere ancestors, reflecting the abundance of flowers at that time of year. But that’s not the only nickname. This month is also called the “sowing moon,” “rabbit moon,” “frost moon,” and even “dragon moon!”

find out more: Full Moon in May 2024: Flower Moon.

Occultation of stars and planets by the Moon

A series of lunar occultations will occur in May! A lunar occultation is a phenomenon in which the moon passes in front of another celestial body, obscuring that object. However, the occultation is only observable from some areas, while others can see the Moon approaching another celestial body.

Check the free Sky Tonight app to see if a lunar occultation is visible in your area.Detailed map available!

The main occultations that occur this month are:

  • Occultation of Saturn on May 3rdobservable only from Antarctica.
  • Occultation of Neptune on May 4thobservable over the Atlantic Ocean.
  • Occultation of Mars on May 5th, when the Moon’s illuminance is 12.4%, Mars will be hidden from observers in Southeast Asia, Madagascar, Mauritius, Réunion, the Seychelles Islands and other nearby regions. This event starts at 00:05 GMT and ends at 04:26 GMT.
  • Occultation of Antares on May 24, a nearly full moon hides a red supergiant star. Observable from 01:11 to 05:24 GMT from America, West Africa and Central Africa.
  • Another occultation of Saturn on May 31st, a moon with a luminosity of 46.7% will obscure Saturn from observers in parts of South Africa, Argentina, Chile, southern Brazil and Uruguay. This occultation begins at 06:23 GMT and ends at 10:30 GMT.

Get informed:Which planet is near the moon tonight?

Comet in May 2024

It could be seen in the Northern Hemisphere sky until April.Famous comet Pons Brooksit is currently observable low on the horizon in the Southern Hemisphere. After its closest approach to the Sun (perihelion) on April 21, the comet gradually faded. In May, the magnitude will be around 5. To see this comet, look toward the western horizon in the evening, about an hour after sunset.

Olbers of the periodic cometwill approach perihelion on June 30, 2024. At that point, brightness is expected to reach about 7. Throughout May, the comet has a visual brightness of between 8 and 9, and is low on the northwestern horizon in the evening . The comet is visible from the Northern Hemisphere, but is quite faint and requires medium-sized binoculars or a small telescope.

For experienced observers,Mountain Atlas/Purple Gold CometPlease pay attention. This could be a major comet in 2024 and may be visible to the naked eye from the Northern Hemisphere in September and October. The comet currently has a magnitude of 10 and can be seen rising over the horizon in the evening. You will need large binoculars or a small telescope to see it at this stage.

Use the Sky Tonight app to easily spot comets in the sky.

Meteor shower in May 2024

In May 2024 there will be two meteor showers:η Aquarius meteor showerit peaked on May 5η Lyran meteor showerwill reach its peak on May 10th.

The ηAquarii meteor shower typically produces up to 50 meteors per hour at its peak. It is best observed from the Southern Hemisphere, but observation is also possible from some areas of the Northern Hemisphere. This year’s ηAquarii meteor shower peaks a few days before the new moon, so you can expect to see it under dark skies.

The η Lyra meteor shower, on the other hand, is not as strong, with a maximum of about 3 meteors per hour visible at its peak. The new moon on May 8 will optimize viewing conditions. The radiant of this meteor shower will remain above the horizon throughout the night, making it easily accessible to observers in the Northern Hemisphere.

Learn more: Meteor shower calendar from March to June.

How to view the astronomical events of May 2024

Use the Sky Tonight app to easily explore the night sky and keep track of all the celestial events listed.

Sky Tonight is one of the stargazing apps.The largest free databaseWe are offering!Discover galaxies, comets, asteroids and other celestial bodies without purchasing additional content.

Watch short video tutorials to find out how to get the most out of the app.

May celestial events: conclusion

The May night sky is full of exciting sights! You will observe a variety of phenomena, from bright shooting stars and the best views of Mercury, to the moon covering stars and planets, to the beautiful flower moon. Use the free Sky Tonight app to find and enjoy these events. This app makes stargazing easy and fun so you don’t miss a thing!

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