
Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming: Control Your Dreams, Control Your Mind

Today we will talk about a theory that many people may be familiar with: Lucid Dreaming.

I have to ask you first: has anyone ever remembered their dreams 100%?
We would like to imagine that there could be many. They may be able to remember them but probably not 100% or some people may not remember them at all. But does everyone know that there are some people who are capable of knowing that they are dreaming or controlling themselves in their dreams? And when they woke up, they were able to recount most of their dreams and that was a lucid dream.

Lucid Dreaming (Lucid Dreaming) Dreams that you know you are dreaming and lucid dreams can also help us develop creative thinking because they can Control or determine the story we can dream. This usually occurs during deep sleep, i.e. REM (Rapid Eye Movement) and is often not conscious from the start. But you will become aware of it halfway or at the end of the dream. This theory was created by the Dutch psychiatrist Frederick Van Eeden, who was the first to study dreams in this way. Later, psychologists began to pay attention and became better known after the famous movie Inception, which took this idea and developed it into a story.

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And because we can control our dreams and plan various events ourselves. Therefore, when we dream, the “right brain” is used more, which is the creative part of the brain. It allows us to get new ideas from dreams to solve problems or apply them to our work. It also helps to control emotions due to the time spent during sleep. It is considered the most difficult thing to control. Therefore, we can be conscious while dreaming. We will be able to control our mind even in times when we are so angry or sad that we cannot control ourselves.

Lucid dreaming can also help eliminate fear in our minds. Of course everyone has hidden fears or negative events, but in dreams we can control those fears and dangers. It makes us less likely to fear it in real life.

Lucid dream researcher Denholm Aspy once said:

“Some people may discover superpowers or special abilities while dreaming. They can fight or face things that harm them, such as flying away or using various techniques. To wake up from that nightmare.”

Risks of lucid dreaming

Lucid Dream may not be suitable for many people, such as those with fragile minds. There is an abnormality in the brain waves. Having hallucinations Schizophrenia or delusions can make it difficult to discern the real world. and dream world Or for those who have trouble sleeping Importance should be given to deep sleep. Sleep well at night. The fewer dreams, the better. Focus on N-REM (Non-rapid Eye Movement) sleep, not REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep.

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If anyone wants to try it, researchers have methods to experiment with, but don’t forget the risks and you need to consider your health too.

1. Meditate before going to bed for about 20-30 minutes. Before going to bed, focus your mind on breathing. Be aware of every breath

2. Try writing down your dreams. To remember the details of each of our dreams

3. Use music to lull you to sleep. by the frequency of music It plays a role in causing the change in brain waves. It is a song, a musical rhythm called “binaural beats” with a frequency of 4 – 8 Hz by controlling breathing to match the frequency.

And this is a lucid dream, a lucid dream. But even if we could control our dreams by ourselves, everyone could have an awesome experience, but don’t forget to realize that the story that happened is just a dream, not reality. Everything has both advantages and disadvantages. We hope this article can help all readers to acquire new theories of knowledge and apply them in their daily lives, more or less.


Lucid dream ฝันที่ควบคุมได้ คืออะไร ? อธิบายตามหลักศาสนา และวิทยาศาสตร์ และข้อดี ข้อเสียต่าง ๆ

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