
‘Fake Controversy Silence’ Kang Ye-won returns to SNS after receiving luxury goods

picture explanationKang Ye-won. PhotoㅣKang Ye-won SNS

Actress Kang Ye-won, who had been silent on the controversy over Song Ji-ah (Progia), returned to SNS.

On the 31st, Kang Ye-won is criticized by netizens for revealing how she is happy to receive a gift from a luxury brand along with a visit to a meat restaurant on Instagram.

It has been over two months since Kang Ye-won reported her current situation. He was the one who stayed silent even when Song Ji-ah, a YouTuber belonging to the company he founded, was criticized for wearing fakes.

At that time, there were a lot of requests for responsible explanation, but he has shown disappointing steps, such as deleting all photos taken with Song Ji-ah and making his Instagram account private.

Song Ji-ah became controversial after being caught up in suspicions that some of the luxury clothes and jewelry she wore on the Netflix original entertainment show ‘Solo Hell’ broadcast last year and on social media were fake. Since then, Song Jia posted a handwritten apology on her Instagram on the 17th, acknowledged and apologized for her controversy, and then went on a hiatus from her activities.

On March 7, while she was self-isolating, Song Jia donated 20 million won to the victims of forest fires in Gangwon and Gyeongbuk.

[진향희 스타투데이 기자]

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