
Family of 8-year-old girl who drowned in Hilton swimming pool files lawsuit

▲ Doubletree by Hilton swimming pool hose in Houston, Texas, USA Photo: CBS, USA
The family of an 8-year-old girl who drowned in the swimming pool of a famous Texas hotel has filed a lawsuit against the hotel chain.

According to local media such as CBS and NBC on the 27th local time, an accident occurred at the DoubleTree by Hilton swimming pool in Houston, Texas, USA, on the 23rd, when an 8-year-old girl, Aaliyah Jaiko, died.

Aaliyah, who had been missing for 6 hours at the time, was found dead inside a 40cm wide swimming pool pipe.

Richard Nava, a lawyer for the bereaved family, said, “Aliyah’s little body was twisted as it was sucked 6 meters into this pipe,” and noted, “Aliyah’s 5-year-old brother could also have been sucked into’ this pipe that drowned.”

Police said after analyzing CCTV footage, they confirmed that Aaliyah did not come out after entering the swimming pool.

The bereaved family filed a lawsuit against the hotel and its parent company, Hilton Worldwide Holdings, alleging that the pool water control system was not working properly.

An inspection of the facility by the Houston Department of Health following the incident revealed that the pool pipes had no caps and had not been inspected after remodeling.

The police are investigating the exact circumstances.

Hint, Aaliyah’s funeral will be held on the 28th.

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