
Fans React Strongly to the New Name of Scuderia AlphaTauri

The team formerly known as Scuderia AlphaTauri appeared to leak its new name on social media on Thursday night and fans reacted… strongly. The Red Bull junior team was seen changing their Instagram account to “VisaCashAppRB” (apparently an abbreviation for Visa Cash App Racing Bulls) on Thursday evening.

Alfa Romeo’s rebranding, “Stake F1 Team Kick Sauber”, wasn’t particularly well received online, but that was nothing compared to the outpouring of opinion on “VCARB”. Many users labeled it “the worst team name in the history of F1”, and less generous users labeled it “the worst team name in the history of any sport”. Apparently fans don’t like team names with two main sponsors, but there was no particular reaction when it was called “Aston Martin Aramco Cognizant Formula One Team”. Or maybe he doesn’t like vague descriptions of Sauber, Stake, Racing Bulls or RB…

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