
Father wonders why gray hair does not turn black; Sameera Reddy replied

Thiruvananthapuram, First Published Sep 14, 2021, 10:09 PM IST

Sameera Reddy is an actress who is open-minded about her addiction to depression after childbirth and the ridicule she has faced about obesity. The actress, who constantly talks about body positivity, also talks about body shaming faced by women through her posts. The image shared by the actress without makeup was much discussed.

Now Sameera is talking about her white hair and the answer she gave when her father told her to blacken it. The actress shared the post via Instagram. Sameera says her father asked her why she did not blacken her white hair.

My father was afraid that people would not judge him. Sameera replied that even if they evaluated her like that, she did not have a problem and that she was not as obsessed with form as before. Previously, he used to dye his hair every two weeks. The actor says that now he only does it when he wants to color.

‘His concern as a father is understandable. It is these small steps in life that take us to great heights, ”says Sameera. Sameera has also shared pictures of herself with gray hair.

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Last Updated Sep 14, 2021, 10:09 PM IST .