
Female model “Tisha the Face” reports the news of the coronavirus ready to open timeline

Actress and model “Tisha the Face” reports the news of contracting COVID-19 after continuous fever ready to open timeline

Today (28 Nov 64) actress and model Ticha-Kanticha Chumma or Ticha The Face reported the news by stating that self infected with covid-19 with a timeline stating that I just want inform all of you that today just received pcr test result and I’m positive meaning I have Covid 19. I am at a hospitel and in good hands.

Stay well stay safe????

Due to the fact that on November 25, Tisha was unwell from food poisoning and had a continuous fever, so Tisha had ATK test on November 27, the result was positive (meaning found to be infected with covid) so Tisha had to travel to be tested by PCR method this morning. To confirm the result again and the result came out that Tisha has been infected with kovic and now has been treated in the hospitel already…

So please allow me Sorry to cancel this upcoming event. Closely and I would like to inform the time line as below.

21 Make-up at home, travel to Hua Hin

Go to the shooting range and take a photoshoot there.

Take a private car back to the condo.

22 in the afternoon to practice dancing at the studio area

Ladprao and back home

23 work at workpoint studio check

ATK result is negative.

Filming the Golden Stage

Continue to take photoshoots at a nearby studio.


Went to eat at a restaurant in Ekkamai area.

Go home by private car

24 Going to a dance studio in Lat Phrao area

and go home

25 Go for a fashionshoot

Went home, checked atk, negative.

26 Food poisoning and resting

home and have a swarm of symptoms, check


Test negative, test again in the evening.


27 I had a slight fever, so I woke up.

ATK test came out positive.

Take a private car to the hospital

28 Received RT-PCR test in the morning

The results from the PCR showed infection.

However, Ticha has to apologize once again for causing Everyone is confused

photo from kanticachumma instagram