
Female Teacher in England Pregnant by Student while on Probation for Previous Offenses

More photo by Rebecca Joines. [사진 = 더선 캡처]

It is shocking to discover that a female teacher in England is pregnant with another student’s child while on probation for having sex with a 15-year-old student.

According to the BBC on the 8th (local time), Rebecca Joines (30), a female teacher at a school in Manchester, England, was charged with a total of six sexual offenses against children and is being tried in Court the Manchester Crown.

Joins bought male student A (15) a luxury belt worth £345 (about 590,000 won), then took him to her flat and had sex with him twice.

Joines has since been suspended from school and released on bail on the condition that he has no contact with anyone under the age of 18.

However, it was revealed that while Joines was out on bail, he had a long-term sexual relationship with another student, B (16), and even got pregnant. Person B said, “We stayed in touch with Joines while he was suspended and went to his apartment.”

Joines denies all charges. In the UK, if an adult commits adultery or molests a child under the age of 16, they are liable to up to 10 years in prison, regardless of whether the person consents or not.

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