
Filipina Girl Arrested in Korea for Fraud Scheme Focusing on Fellow Filipinos: Police Brand

Police emblem. /Chosun DB

A Filipino girl accused of defrauding fellow Filipinos dwelling in Korea by promising month-to-month income in the event that they invested in her enterprise has been arrested by police.

The Uijeongbu Police Station, Gyeonggi Province, introduced on the twenty fifth that it had arrested and dispatched 9A, a girl in her thirties of Philippine nationality, on prices of fraud.

Mr. A is accused of receiving and embezzling roughly 2.5 billion gained from 115 fellow Filipinos, claiming that he would obtain month-to-month income in the event that they invested in his logistics firm for 1 12 months and 6 months ranging from September 2021.

Mr A, who arrived in Korea in 2008, spoke fluent Korean and had deliberate the crime whereas working at a logistics firm that shipped packages to the Philippines.

Worldwide college students and staff sending packages to the Philippines have been focused by Mr. A. Mr. A satisfied them that he would obtain month-to-month income in the event that they invested in his logistics enterprise.

To start with, we constructed belief with buyers by giving them cash each month within the identify of income. Subsequently, the variety of compatriots prepared to speculate elevated, and Mr. A even opened an workplace in Soheul-eup, Pocheon-si.

Nonetheless, the income that Mr. A gave to his compatriots each month weren’t enterprise revenue, however invested cash acquired from different compatriots, and he continued to commit fraud utilizing the ‘turnaround’ methodology.

It turned out that Mr. A additionally really helpful lending firms to fellow countrymen who didn’t have the funds for to speculate.

He additionally created a chat room on SNS and recruited victims. Many of the victims have been home college students and staff, and so they have been reported to have suffered damages starting from a minimal of 10 million gained to a most of 40 million gained.

When Mr. A disappeared after receiving the funding cash, the victims reported Mr. A’s fraud to the Philippine Embassy.

Police intend to proceed investigating these concerned, together with those that offered loans to the victims.

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