
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Review: A Game of Charm and Confusion in the Trilogy

“Final Fantasy VII Remake” launched in 2020 has received good reviews. The picture quality and animation at the time were completely redone from 1997’s “Final Fantasy VII”. At that time, it was officially announced that the series would be remade in the form of a trilogy, only when everyone speculating if they would be able to play the last chapter in their lives. The second “Final Fantasy VII Rebirth” was finally released this year. Just waiting for the editor to review it without spoilers. The game will be released to the public on February 29, 2024, and currently only supports Playstation 5.

▲ A very cute moogle

▲There are so many cute creatures in this episode

▲ The screen has been greatly improved

The plot is chaotic in the beginning and full of charm in the later stage.

Many players have doubts whether they need to play the first chapter. In fact, it is not necessary at all, because there is a 10-minute plot review in the game Unless the player really wants to get deeply involved in the story from start to finish, the review will make it difficult to play the first episode The players are fully aware of what happened in the previous episode. However, when it comes to “Final Fantasy VII Rebirth”, even if I understand the plot, I am completely confused about the early stage of the plot. The game deliberately organizes many different plots and different points time to mix them together. Because I don’t want to spoil the relationship, only plot arrangement can be said. It is sometimes difficult for players to understand, but they have to admire the bold attitude of the officer while preserving the original works and adding many new methods of interpretation. However, the plot is also full of charm for old and new players, and it is worth taking the time for players to slowly immerse themselves in the plot expressed in the game.

▲ The arrangement of the early phase of the plot is confusing

▲Go deeper into the story as the plot develops

A semi-open map that travels through notable areas

Unlike the previous chapter, the map of “Rebirth” is bigger, wider and more fun. When players complete the prologue and officially step into the first area, they will feel that the worldview of the game is very grand. Players can see views of the mountains and the sea from afar, as well as different classes of land. It’s not really easy to jump out of a very nostalgic game into a wide open area. Each place and city has different characteristics, making players feel that they have jumped out of the framework limited by the first two works. In addition, the game has different branch systems, so you will not feel bored during the whole game process and exploration. There are many point-to-point games, but very few games like “Rebirth” can attract players without giving them a sense of homework, and little else.

▲ Each area has an extremely large map

▲ There are different collection points

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  • Side missions break the general framework of games

    There are different types of side tasks waiting for players in “Rebirth”, and task points are distributed in each location on the map. The nature of each side task is different, but it is mainly to help each area and establish relationships with local residents. , Although the environment set in the game still feels beautiful to many people, in reality the planet is completely dead from the inside out. As a result, side missions allow players to explore every corner of the area to see how devastating Mako is to the ground. Players will go through barren lands and corrupted landscapes, giving players a worldview in the remastered version of the game. Although the types of side missions are similar in each region, with rich rewards and step-by-step exploration behind them, this is not a simple “side mission”.

    ▲ The mission will prompt the player for the progress of completing the mission

    ▲ Try to complete the task as much as possible

    The battle mode has changed a lot, and the simple mode isn’t simple either

    Initially, “Rebirth” gave players three difficulties to choose from, but this time the game provides many combat systems to allow players to go deeper into the combat part. At least even in the easy difficulty, there is no boss level and powerful enemies with names. Get past with normal attacks only. Some support tasks even require players to complete certain technical tasks, allowing players to learn how to launch attacks at the appropriate time during combat. Each character has a unique fighting style and skills. In the story mode, players need to operate each character and use their personal strengths to deal with different enemies. This attribute conflict system can be powerful enough to turn the game around . However, the enemies are also relatively difficult to deal with. Some enemies will move at high speed on the field or have various nerf skills that affect the player. After a few attempts, you will see way to deal with them.

    ▲ A weakness attack can definitely change the battlefield situation

    ▲There are many interesting nerves waiting to go home

    The tool manufacturing system skill tree has been greatly improved.

    In addition to personal characters that affect the game mode, equipment has also become an important system in the game, but the way to get equipment this time is not just by buying or unboxing rewards, but by collect materials on the map to create props Or consumables, including recovery potions and strength-enhancing supplies, which can even strengthen the capabilities of equipment, giving players an incentive to collect various materials However, the only downside is that 99 is the maximum of materials, and some materials are tight in. the later stage. This time, there is also a skill tree that affects the game You can get team rewards by completing tasks These rewards can indicate different collaboration skills and bonuses on each character’s skill tree Some skills can be used even without using MP to improve the game. The battle has become relatively simple and easy, and the points can be reset at any time to meet different needs. The animations of the cooperative skills are also worth watching. They are stylish and stylish and deal damage high to the enemy.

    ▲ The monsters summoned in this chapter are easy to use.

    ▲ There are many ways to get better equipment

    Queen’s Blood is a card game that FF is delaying

    “Queen’s Blood” is a card game added to “Rebirth” It is as addictive as Gwent in “The Witcher 3”. The simple gameplay has deep strategic requirements. Players control more grids by placing cards, and compete with the opponent’s point bonus from each row. The early game is a bit simple, and more cards are obtained as the opponent is defeated. Later in the game, you need to use ability bonuses, attack cards, and unique features to get more points. The game can be completed in about ten minutes, and there are only tasks to explore the origin of the game, which is full of fun and storytelling. The level of fun certainly won’t make players hate spending extra time playing, and it will definitely give SE a chance to launch additional mobile card games.

    ▲ The card game is very interesting

    ▲ Defeat your opponents to get more cards

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  • Image quality and performance are not optimized and there are still many opportunities to steal.

    Although as a remastered game, it’s really a big improvement to be able to showcase old games in a modern way. Although I believe many players will be very satisfied and get a modern feel when it comes to combat or characters. However, no matter in graphics mode or performance mode, you can still see that the picture is not very smooth (the official also admitted that the performance mode will be fixed as soon as possible), especially when changing the perspective in graphics mode, it will be like “FF16” There is an uncomfortable blurry feeling, and there are still some locations where frame reduction occurs in performance mode. There are many modules on objects that have a familiar feeling of “FF16”, and some dark corner objects will appear with extremely poor resolution as long as they move forward, and you can clearly see the square-shaped image, so there are many “Steal the chicken seat”.

    ▲ The game has many chicken stealing sites

    ▲ The picture is a little blurry in performance mode

    Summary: Incredibly emotional gameplay

    “Final Fantasy VII Rebirth” is a huge improvement over the previous episode. Even if you haven’t been exposed to the “FF” series, it’s still very good as an RPG game. It has a semi-open world with side quests of varying depths, and a huge world view to keep players entertained. While playing the main story, don’t forget to eagerly explore the areas and see the challenging missions. Although the arrangement of the game plot is a bit confusing this time, and the game performance is not optimized. However, the game brings visual enjoyment and powerful gaming to players, and the game hours are also quite long. This rebirth brings a big surprise to the trilogy, and I’m looking forward to the direction of the last part. Although there are many games in February, “Rebirth” should be the best game of this month. Recommended for all players who like RPG games or open worlds. Of course, if you like “FF”, you can’t miss it!

    ▲ Side trips won’t make people bored

    ▲ It’s fun to explore with a chocobo

    ▲ Very much looking forward to the development of the third part

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