
Finding True Health: My Journey from Herbal Medicine to Pilates

It was August 2014. When my mother said, “Let’s go for a drive,” I got into the car without thinking and ended up going to an oriental medicine clinic. (2 hour drive from home)

As if he could no longer watch his daughter gain weight day after day, he looked for a place that produced “herbal medicine for weight loss” and took me there.

At that time, my weight was 68 kg and my height was 169 cm. The only exercise I got was a 10-minute walk between home and work and dancing on TV twice a week, and when I got home from work at 7, I decided to relieve stress by eating chicken and beer with my friends, so I was gaining weight.

The first thing the director of the Oriental Medicine Clinic ordered was to “mix the bamboo salt with water and drink it.” I was told that I drink about 3-4 liters of water a day and he said, “If you drink too much, you will get hyponatremia because there is no salt in your body.” drink about 2 liters, or if I drink it like I do now, add a little bamboo salt. They gave me 3 months of herbal medicine and told me that if I take this herbal medicine, I have to stick to my diet, for breakfast I eat a banana or wholemeal bread dipped in olive oil, flour, meat or fish. I eat nuts and black beans as much as I want. My rice is brown rice, 1 serving per day. He said I needed to freshen up. “Wouldn’t it be necessary to take medicine with this diet?” I asked myself, but maybe you read my thoughts: “If you simply follow this diet, you will get constipation and your body will get more tired, you will lose more weight and they also prescribed lactic acid bacteria separately.” “Your body he will become healthy,” he said.

Thus began my “vegetarian life”. A banana for breakfast. For lunch I ate walnuts and black beans, while for dinner I only ate 100g of brown rice, tofu and vegetables. After two weeks, my weight dropped to 62 kg and in the second month I weighed 53 kg. First of all, my double chin and lumpy cellulite are gone. I also wore 25-inch jeans, something I hadn’t dared to do since high school. I woke up in the morning feeling refreshed and had the special experience that my uniform was loosening.

The morning of the 53kg photoshoot, I had a friendship photoshoot with my dear friend and my older sister 🙂

However, even though I lost weight, I didn’t really feel “light”. Even though I danced intensely on the show for more than an hour, I was fine even if I stayed for 30 minutes to review the moves, but after class I went home feeling lethargic. If you have lost that much weight, your stomach should be very flat, but your lower abdomen should still be prominent. After I stopped taking the herbal medicine, my appetite increased, so I started eating candy and chocolate, which I normally didn’t eat, for a while. I gained 5 kg in a month, then I went back and forth between 59 and 60 kg and, after giving birth to my first child, the weight I had gained did not go away and I gained even more.

When I was 58kg ‘ㅅ’

Only then did the phrase “Never lose weight by taking medicine” hit me. If there is one thing that is unfair, I still haven’t touched the flour or the meat… I haven’t just taken the medicine, in fact I haven’t eaten it! Even though I felt unfair, it was a thing of the past. My diet was supposed to include exercise, but I didn’t, so it was a natural outcome. It was difficult to remove the yo-yo that returned after taking the medicine. It’s as if your constitution is screaming, “You won’t lose weight if you don’t take the medicine.” But aren’t human beings creatures of oblivion? After giving birth to my first child, the swelling did not go down, my weight did not change, and I could not exercise because of the baby, so I thought about herbal medicine again. . After taking postpartum diet herbal medicine for a month, I lost another 5 kg. But he returned soon.

Fortunately, I later met a good Pilates teacher and learned how to “build a truly healthy body” and decided to never be fooled by supplements or various weight loss drugs again. And I committed to building a truly healthy and strong body with the “healthy teacher” I met through this project.

In the first lesson, the teacher asked: “How many kilograms do you think I weigh?” Everyone was surprised to feel the teacher’s weight. “You have such a slim, gorgeous body, but you weigh more than I thought!” “Wow, you have a beautiful, healthy body made of strong muscles, not fat,” she exclaimed. “Now, every time someone feels my weight, <어머, 그렇게 안보여요 /몸무게보다 훨씬 날씬해 보이세요>I have to work harder to hear that “praise”. <끝>

#Episode #real #meaning #dont