
For my autistic son… Dad runs a marathon in a stroller

In China, there is a father who puts his autistic son in a stroller and runs a marathon, saying he wants to show his son the wide world.

According to China Central Television (CCTV) on the 19th, in a marathon held in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province this morning, a man pushed a stroller carrying a child through the finish line.

People around the finish line applauded and cheered the man and the child.

The main characters are Luo Sujian (45) and her son Xiao Bai (13), who live in Zhejiang Province.

Xiao Bai suffered brain damage at birth and is said to have the intelligence of a 1-2 year old child.

The reason he started the marathon with his son is to show the world to his son who is only at home and give him hope.

However, running a marathon while pushing a stroller was not easy.

For this reason, Mr. Luo submitted that he builds his stamina by running for more than an hour every morning.

Mr. said Luo, “I want to show my child the world by running a marathon with my child.”

The marathon that started this way is in its 7th year this year.

Father and son Luo have participated in 56 big and small marathons in more than 20 cities.

“Xiaobai likes to be noisy,” Luo said. “My son seems to be enjoying this process and wants to see the outside world.”