
Fortnite Pros Boycott FNCS Season 8 Final Warmup As Cheat Accused Run Rampage

Accused of cheating reach FNCS Warmup Finals, leading to European regional walkout

This afternoon, the pro players of the European Fortnite Battle Royale face off at a rough estimate of the Fortnite Champion Series (FNCS) Season 8 Warmup Finals. The top three teams from the game’s seven regions battled it out for three rounds to reach the final leg of the tournament. First comment of the season Thirty-three teams in the European region prepare for the finals. But basically there was a midterm strike.

The player found that the alleged cheater had entered the tournament early. It’s not uncommon in any game. But hackers in Fortnite Battle Royale seem to be spreading in lobbies too often. The finalists began tossing accusations of cheating on Twitter, and many of them totally bowed to the FNCS Warmup Finals.

The alleged hacker appeared in the FNCS Season 8 Warmup Finals.

FNCS Season 5 Champ Henrik “Guild Hen” Mclean posted alleged evidence on Twitter of the “blatant cheater” during the match. In the clip, the player is tall and able to raise Hen’s health from 200 to zero in the blink of an eye.

The former Ax of Champions holder posted another video shortly after — showing the same player knocking a cock similar to the first clip. Many players posted clips. But it’s almost impossible to tell if someone is cheating in Fortnite.

The player known as wubzi ranked Rezon, Vadeal and Noahreyli in game two and eliminated the latter two without missing a single match. The accused’s Fortnite Tracker account only had eight days to play. Most of them use keyboard and mouse. There’s no telling as Fortnite has anti-cheat software. However, professional players believe the cheat accused is guilty.

Professional players respond to alleged hackers

Pro Fortnite player Benjy “benjyfishy” Fish of NRG responded to the evidence and controversy on Twitter to multiple FNCS finalists’ questions. Of the tournament?” His question is definitely positive. Considering these three players went through three qualifying rounds that were accused of cheating along the way.

Fortnite Duo World Cup winner David “aqua” Wang joins the remaining warm-up final boycott roster. after the third game The finalists queued for the game less and less. The list includes such marquee names as Martin “100T MrSavage” Foss Andersen and Dmitri “Liquid mitr0” Van de Vrie.

It’s an unfortunate way to wrap up Epic’s first Chapter 2 – Season 8-approved tournament. However, it’s important to remember that cheaters and hackers have found their way into the tournament. before Epic anti-cheat software is often the target. But hackers are always looking for ways to circumvent systems.

We’ll have to wait and see what Epic Games has to say in response to the boycott and indignation. Stay tuned and we’ll keep you posted as more developments become available.

Featured Image: Epic Games