
From Striker to Defender: Kim Min-jae’s Journey to Becoming One of the Best in the World

Kim Min-jae: From Striker to Defender to Becoming One of the World’s Best

By Jung Seung-woo

In a recent interview with ‘Sports 1’, defender Kim Min-jae (27) shared his journey from being a striker in his childhood to becoming one of the best defenders in the world. Kim, who recently joined Bayern Munich, opened up about his debut in Munich.

Last season, while playing for SSC Napoli, Kim Min-jae established himself as the top defender in the league. This impressive performance led to his transfer to Germany’s powerhouse, Bayern Munich, for a fee of 50 million euros (approximately 71.4 billion won).

Since joining the team, Kim Min-jae has seamlessly assimilated into the starting lineup, featuring in all three league games thus far. He has consistently been recognized as part of the best 11 and is even receiving higher praise than Matheis de Ligt.

During the interview with the club’s official magazine ’51’, Kim Min-jae reminisced about his childhood and discussed his admiration for Munich. “When I was 13, I made the transition from being a striker to a defender. I found joy in winning balls and aiding the team in defensive situations,” he shared.

Kim Min-jae’s knowledge of Munich dates back to his early years. He grew up watching football matches from all over the world on television, and Munich games always caught his attention. Recognizing Munich as one of the biggest and most popular clubs globally, he expressed his desire to be part of it.

Intriguingly, Kim Min-jae’s body showcases several inspiring tattoos, including phrases like ‘Carpe diem’ and ‘Never stop dreaming, time will not wait for you.’ Commenting on his ink, he explained, “I got these tattoos in my early twenties to motivate myself. These phrases represent my values, and they serve as a daily reminder to push myself further.”

Kim Min-jae’s exceptional journey from striker to defender, his admiration for Munich, and his motivating tattoos collectively demonstrate his professional growth and determination to succeed.


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Provided by OSEN | 2023.09.06 16:45

[OSEN=정승우 기자] Kim Min-jae (27, Munich), who became one of the best defenders in the world, was a striker in his childhood.

Germany’s ‘Sports 1’ reported on the 6th (Korea time) a recent interview with Kim Min-jae, saying, “Defender Kim Min-jae, who joined Bayern Munich this summer, talked about his debut in Munich. “

Kim Min-jae, who emerged as the best defender in the league at SSC Napoli last season, moved to Bayern Munich, the ‘stronghold’ of Germany, for a transfer fee of 50 million euros (about 71.4 billion win).

Since then, Kim Min-jae has taken the starting position without any problems and has started as a starter in all three league games.

The media introduced, “Kim Min-jae has always been selected as the best 11 after the transfer and is highly evaluated than Matheis de Ligt. He recently talked about his childhood and Munich in an interview with the club’s official magazine ’51’.” he did

According to reports, Kim Min-jae said, “I changed my position from striker to defender when I was 13. It was more fun to win the ball and help the team in defensive situations.”

He continued, “I first heard about Munich when I was a child. Even when I was a child, I could watch football matches from all over the world on TV. And there was always Munich games. Munich is one of the biggest clubs in Munich. the world and popular in Korea. There are many,” he said.

Kim Min-jae also mentioned tattoos. Phrases such as ‘Carpe diem’ and ‘Never stop dreaming, time will not wait for you’ are engraved on Kim Min-jae’s body. “I got a tattoo in my early twenties. If I don’t change my mind, I won’t do it again,” he said.

He added, “At the time, I got a tattoo to motivate myself. These phrases show my values. Every time I see these phrases, I feel like I can do better.”


[저작권자 @머니투데이, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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