
Gasoline prices increased and decreased in opposite directions

According to the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Finance, the world petroleum market during this operating period (from December 21, 2023 to December 27, 2023) is influenced by factors such as: developments in the Red Sea in In the context that some major shipping companies have begun to resume operations through the Red Sea, US crude oil reserves may decrease while distillate and gasoline inventories are likely to increase…

The above factors have caused world petroleum prices to fluctuate slightly in recent days, increasing and decreasing slightly.

The average price of world petroleum products between the price management period on December 21, 2023 and the operating period on December 28, 2023 is: 88,295 USD/barrel of RON 92 gasoline used to mix E5 RON92 gasoline (down 0.097 USD). /barrel compared to the previous period); 92,343 USD/barrel of RON 95 gasoline (down 0.007 USD/barrel); 101,953 USD/barrel of kerosene (down 0.237 USD/barrel); 99,243 USD/barrel of diesel (up 1,563 USD/barrel); 448,250 USD/ton fuel oil (up 15,522 USD/ton).

This executive period, in response to the above developments in world petroleum prices and current regulations, the Ministry of Industry and Trade and Finance decided to: Appropriate the BOG Fund for madzu oil, not allocate the BOG Fund for other items. gasoline, diesel and kerosene products; Do not use the BOG Fund for all petroleum products.

The above gasoline price management plan aims to contribute to ensuring that domestic gasoline price fluctuations are basically consistent with world gasoline price fluctuations; continue to maintain the price difference between biofuel E5RON92 and mineral gasoline RON95 at a reasonable level to encourage the use of biofuel according to the Government’s policy; ensure harmony of interests among market participants, support petroleum businesses to maintain and supply petroleum to the domestic market; Minimize negative impacts on socio-economic development, production and business activities and people’s lives.