
Generational Wisdom: The Life Lessons of Nong TK and Tak Mayura

Since having a grandson ‘Nong TK’ coming into the family The life of a two thousand year old girl Take Mayura And the man was never alone again. There were always stories to make us smile and laugh, until finally Tak Mayura prepared a will for her grandson.

The person revealed through the talk show program that Started writing Maybe I won’t wait until I die. I will set aside some of it for my own protection. And then you have to start giving. We also have many grandchildren. When he dies, there will be another lump sum for him to use as an investment. Nowadays, childcare is expensive. I always send him to study.

Tak Mayura also left a message of warning for the girls. In this day and age, if you have to marry someone one day If she said I can take care of you. She stops working, don’t stop. Ladies, we have to work. You have to be able to take care of yourself. One day your husband will die and you will lose your job You will be able to live alone You must work and you must be beautiful too Don’t stop being beautiful.

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