
Generous Birthday Gift: Han Young Offers Husband Expensive Hair Transplant Surgery

Chosun Sports = Reporter Lee Jeong-hyuk

Photo source = SBS

[스포츠조선 이정혁 기자]Han Young made a generous offer to give her husband Park Gun a ‘4,000 hair – 14 million earned’ transplant surgery as a birthday present.

Photo source = SBS

In the SBS entertainment program ‘Same Bed, Different Dreams 2 – You Are My Destiny’ (hereafter referred to as ‘Same Bed, Different Dreams 2’) broadcast on the afternoon of the 15th, Han Young recommended a hair transplant to Park, who who was worried about hair loss.

Photo source = SBS

Han Young, who previously underwent hair transplant surgery, said, “I had an M-shaped forehead hair transplant a few months ago. After that, I feel so relieved. It’s so great even when I style my hair and the wind blows and my hair blows,” and he offered to give it to me as a birthday present.

Photo source = SBS

However, Park hesitated, saying that hair loss medicine currently only costs 50,000 to 60,000 won every three months, but transplant surgery is burdensome.

In the end, Park, who went to consultation after being persuaded by Han Young, received a diagnosis of 7.19 million won for the cut method and won 14 million for the non-cut method, based on 4,000 hairs.

The expert who carefully examined the condition of Park’s hair said, “The hair on the back of the head comes out 2 to 3 from every pore and it is thick, but the hair on the top of the head comes out once every pore, and even if 2 comes out, the hair is thin.” He added, “He also has M-shaped hair loss. “The crown of the head is also very weak,” he said.

There are two types of hair transplant methods, and Park said he can use cutting and non-cutting methods. The incision method (making an incision on the back of the head and stitching. Planting the removed hair follicles in an empty space) requires good scalp elasticity, but there are no problems, and the non- cut (collecting hair follicles one by one with a 1mm punch and then planting them in an empty space) requires good hair follicle density.

He then gave an estimate, “About 1,500 hairs for the forehead. There is no end to planting on the top of the head. So, we reduced the density focusing on the area that is the most troublesome, and he gave an estimate of 2,500 hairs.”

In response, Han Young said, “While we’re here, let’s make a reservation for the treatment. Let’s calculate the free dates on the schedule…” But in the end, Park went to custom made wig shop. “I’m grateful that my wife does things with her money, but I think her money is my money and my money is hers,” he admitted.

Meanwhile, the SBS entertainment program ‘Same Bed, Different Dreams 2 – You Are My Destiny’ looks at the sweet lives of couples in different fields from the perspective of a man and a woman, and explores the meaning of meeting the other half. the fate and value of two people living together

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