
Get Naturally Pretty Skin This Holiday with Dermotoxin: A Guide to Safe and Effective Skin Botox Treatment

Director of Ppeum Global Clinic, Lee Se-mi

The much-awaited 6-day Golden Week holiday has finally arrived, and while many are busy planning their vacation activities, there are those who are considering fall skin care treatments to enhance their natural beauty.

One particular treatment that stands out is the ‘Dermotoxin’ treatment. Known as ‘skin botox’, this non-invasive procedure utilizes botulinum toxin to achieve stunning results. Unlike traditional botulinum toxin treatments that target wrinkles or muscle size by injecting directly into the muscle layer, Dermotoxin is injected in smaller amounts into the skin layer. This unique technique targets the overall condition of the facial skin, delivering quick and natural-looking results with minimal recovery time.

Dermotoxin offers a range of benefits, improving the brightness and cleanliness of the skin through its various effects. By paralyzing the muscles attached to pores, it prevents the enlargement of pores and reduces sebum secretion, effectively reducing acne and creating a smoother texture. Additionally, it not only reduces fine wrinkles but also enhances elasticity and provides a subtle lifting effect, giving the face a rejuvenated appearance. Scientific research has also demonstrated the effectiveness of dermotoxin in treating hyperpigmentation, making it a valuable option for improving skin tone.

What sets Dermotoxin apart is its simplicity and affordability, making it a low burden procedure. However, it is crucial to exercise caution due to the risk of side effects and resistance. It is important to note that not all botulinum toxin treatments are permanent, necessitating re-treatment to maintain the desired effect. Indiscriminate repetition without adhering to proper treatment intervals and dosage may lead to resistance and render the treatment ineffective. As botulinum toxin is used not only for cosmetic purposes but also for medical treatments, it is vital to exercise care and be aware of the potential for resistance.

Choosing safe products is key to avoiding resistance. Most botulinum toxins contain complex proteins surrounding the neurotoxin, which can trigger antibody formation in the body and lead to resistance. Therefore, it is crucial to opt for products that have completely removed complex proteins and contain only activated neurotoxins, with albumin as an excipient, rather than sodium chloride.

Additionally, it is advisable to ensure that the product is approved for room temperature storage (1 to 25 degrees Celsius) by the Food and Drug Safety Administration. This serves as an indicator of a high-quality, stable product, guaranteeing consistent effectiveness and safety even at room temperature.

Moreover, it is highly recommended to seek treatment from a reputable medical facility with skilled professionals who possess a deep understanding of skin structure and extensive experience in performing surgical procedures. A personalized treatment plan is provided through thorough 1:1 consultations prior to the procedure. By entrusting your care to medical staff who use the correct amount of authentic products, you can expect highly satisfying results.

As we celebrate Golden Week, let us not forget that safety should always be our top priority. It is essential to follow the appropriate individual treatment cycle and utilize pure toxins that do not develop resistance to ensure the best outcomes for our skin. Remember, the most beautiful results are achieved when beauty and safety go hand in hand.

© Copyright Health Kyunghyang. Reproduction and redistribution prohibited.

Lee Se-mi, director of Ppeum Global Clinic

The 6 day Golden Week holiday has started. While everyone is excited and thinking about how to spend their long holidays, some people may be planning fall skin care treatments.

If you want to look naturally pretty during the holidays, a ‘Dermotoxin’ treatment is perfect. Dermotoxin is a non-invasive treatment that uses botulinum toxin and is also known as ‘skin botox’. Unlike the general botulinum toxin treatment, which improves wrinkles or reduces muscle size by injecting into the muscle layer, it is characterized by injecting a more diluted drug into the skin layer in small amounts. This method targets the general layer of the facial skin and injects the toxin shallowly and thickly, so the effect appears relatively quickly and naturally, and the recovery period is short.

Dermotoxin has the advantage of improving the brightness and cleanliness of skin through various effects. First, it paralyzes the muscles attached to pores to prevent pores from expanding and reduces sebum secretion. This reduces acne, shrinks pores, and creates a smooth skin texture. It also has the advantage of not only easing fine wrinkles on the face, but also increasing elasticity and providing a subtle lifting effect. In particular, research results have shown that dermotoxin is effective in treating hyperpigmentation, so it is also effective in improving skin tone.

It is a low burden procedure as it is performed simply and at a relatively low cost. Be careful as there is a risk of side effects and resistance.Should be. Not all treatments using botulinum toxin are permanent, so re-treatment is necessary if you want to maintain the effect. However, if the treatment is repeated indiscriminately without observing the proper treatment period and dosage, resistance may develop and no effect can be seen later. There is botulinum toxin Since it is a drug used not only for cosmetic purposes but also for treatment, be more careful about resistance.Should be.

The key to avoiding resistance is using safe products.Does it. Most botulinum toxins contain an effective neurotoxin and a complex protein surrounding it. The complex protein and the inactive neurotoxin form antibodies in the body, causing resistance. Therefore, complex proteins are completely removed and albumin, rather than sodium chloride, is added as an excipient. Choose a pure toxin product that contains only activated neurotoxinsShould be.

Furthermore, recently Check if the product is approved for room temperature storage (1 to 25 degrees) by the Food and Drug Safety Administration.This is also a good way to do that. This is because it means that it is a high quality, stable product as its effectiveness and safety remain the same even at room temperature.

In addition, we recommend visiting a hospital with medical staff who have a good understanding of the structure of the skin and who have extensive experience in surgical procedures. We provide a customized design through a 1:1 consultation prior to the procedure. If you receive the treatment from medical staff who maintain the correct amount and authentic product, you can get very satisfactory results.

It’s been a long time since I celebrated Golden Week. If you take care of your appearance easily and awkwardly with Dermotoxin, you will be able to hear people around you say, ‘I have somehow become more beautiful and my skin has improved.’ of course We must not forget that it is most important to consider safety as the main priority, follow the appropriate individual cycle, and use pure toxins that do not develop resistance.

Copyright © Health Kyunghyang Reproduction and redistribution prohibited.

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